6: Miss Granger

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Primary Propaganda - Palaye Royale

  All through dinner, I occupy myself with helping the kids color their provided sheets, playing tic tac toe with them, and making sure the rascals eat all of their veggies. Basically, I do everything in my power to ignore the very attractive Remington Leigh's sitting next to me. I've scooted my chair as far from his as I could without drawing attention to the gap, and have done a pretty good job of completely ignoring his glances my way, along with his stupid annoying smirks. Who just kisses people like that?!
   He doesn't even know me! We've had all of one meeting, and all we did was talk about Harry Potter in between stuffing our faces with spoonfuls of Nutella. Not exactly the kind of thing that leaves a lasting memory. 
   Obviously, considering he probably forgot my existence by the time they got back to their house. He never would've remembered me had I not given back his jacket. But what was I gonna do, keep it from him? That'd have felt like stealing. The point is that a kiss in the cheek at the end of a night two years ago isn't enough to go making out with people without their consent in their car.
   It's probably very apparent how infuriated I am at the moment, and his smirks he throws my way aren't exactly helping. In fact, I'm so caught up in taking my anger out on the spaghetti in front of me that I don't notice how close he's scooted his chair. That is, until he pinches me.
   "Bloody hell!" I yelp, scrambling back and ultimately falling out of my chair. All conversation stops. Remington, barely containing his silent laughter, quickly helps me up before saying, "okay, Ron."
   My blood freezes. Oh no. My head quickly swivels to my two best friends, who're smirking evilly at me along with my siblings, who stopped coloring at the mention of the Harry Potter character.
   The reason my friends and I love to have our marathons is not only for the love of the books series, but also because it's the only time I'll let them tease me about my last name.
   I wasn't born as Stevie Marie Kravitz. I took up my mother's last name when my father died, mostly because I couldn't cope with the loss. But I wish I didn't. I changed it before Mom started the drinking, the drugs, the men, and all that. If I'd had known, I would've kept the last name. The reason why they tease me though, is because my last name is the same as my favorite character.
   Back in reality, Remington raises an eyebrow. "Did I say something?"
   "Not at all," Vienna starts in a British accent, making me groan.
  "Now if you two don't mind," Reina drawls, "she's  going to bed before either of us come up with another clever idea to get us killed - or worse, expelled." I roll my eyes, and Remington looks even more curious.
   "Not that I mind," he starts, talking lowly in my ear, "but why are they quoting  Hermione?" I sigh.
   "Because they're dumb," I snap, dropping my head in my hands. "They're trolls and I can't believe I put up with them."
  "Miss Granger, you foolish girl, how could you think of tackling a mountain troll on your own?" Vienna gasps, mocking McGonagall.
  "five points will be taken from Gryffindor for this.I'm very disappointed in you." Reina sniffs. I can't help it, I have to laugh at that one.
   "It also may have something to do with the fact that my biological last name is Granger."
  Suddenly there's an uproar.


After that, all anyone wanted to do was make Hermione puns all through the dinner. the whole ride to the Palaye house so far hasn't been that different. They invited us over to do--what was that? What'd you say? You guessed it.
We're going to watch a Harry Potter marathon. Not that I'm complaining, I mean, I'd marry the books and the movies if I could and if it meant I wouldn't be cheating, but I don't exactly want to get teased all through my binging series.
"Awe, don't worry, babe, I'll be nice," Remington yawns as he stretches back next to me on the passenger's seat. The kids are knocked out in the back as well as Reina, who's probably the loudest snorer in the world.
"Don't call me that," I snap, continuing to shiver while driving down the highway towards Rem's house, which he's directing me towards.
"Don't--exit here--don't call you what, babe?" He taunts, and I glare at him, deciding to simply ignore him. "Awe, don't be like that--okay I'll stop. But I don't know why you're so worried darling, there will be a few of our friends their too."
"Look, like I said earlier, I don't want to get attached to something that'll never happen again. The chances of running into you guys at the store was pure luck. Seeing you guys in concert wasn't. And--where do I turn?" I pause my statement.
He points his skull decorated finger towards the road. "There."
I turn. "And sorry, but you didn't remember who I was. Not that I expected you to," I add quickly when he starts to protest. "You're a busy guy who sees millions of faces a day. My point is you don't know me, and I don't know you. This also means you can't go around kissing me," I say, looking straight at him for a few seconds. He chuckles, and I shiver once more.
   He drapes his leather jacket over me as I park in front of his "house," which looks more like a mansion to me. Remington climbs out of my Jeep and opens the back, carefully picking up Alice and Clara, draping them gently over his shoulders without waking them. I mentally 'awe' at the level of cuteness that's going in in front of me. It gets even cuter when he looks at Alice with an adoring look after she'd shifted herself into the crook of his neck. I snap a picture when he's not looking. Not a stalker over here, just capturing a rare moment with my siblings, okay? With that I gently retrieve Augustus, kicking my best friend's arm to wake her up in the process, you know, gently.
   I snicker as she gripes about it the whole way inside, only pausing for a few seconds to comment on the Palaye house.


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