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Tennessee Whiskey- Chris Stapleton

"Thank you everybody, and goodnight!" I call into the mic for the last time, heading backstage, where May is waiting. She hugs me, immediately starting her rapid fire speed.
   "Oh my gosh that was amazing! Warren took over merch half an hour ago, but the sales rate through the roof! Also, I've been working on the new designs and the harmony you asked me to figure out, and the designs are great! The harmony is too, it's just I'm only halfway done. I'm so sad that we have to go home tomorrow," she ends with a pout, earning a laugh from me.
   "Thank you so much for everything, May, and I can't wait for what comes next for us." I link my arm with hers and walk out towards the merch table so I can sign things and sell things and greet people and all that. 
   "Oh, no problem, honey. Have you told him?!" She gasps out, and I blush, looking away.
   "It slipped my mind?"
   Over the passed two months, Remington proposed, and I of course, said yes. I love him, and it doesn't matter if we've only really known each other for a year, he's my soul mate, my moon. And the night of the proposal, we were kind of busy and slightly tipsy...
   "Don't scream it out to the world," I grumble at her.
  "You're going to have to tell Remington some time," she points out.
   "Tell me what?" Remington asks me breathlessly. We both turn to look at him, our eyes practically popping out of our heads from maybe being caught.
   "W-well," May starts, and looks at me in surprise and alarm. Remington raises his brow, waiting, and I start to panic.
   "My mom is calling me, I got to go," I laugh out nervously, sprinting off and dragging May with me.
   "But your mom isn't here?" I hear him murmur, confused, making me sigh.
   "Really?" May deadpans, scrambling to keep up with me.
   "I'm not ready," I snap, plastering on a smile when I see the crowd of fans already interacting with the rest of the girls. Much to Remington's disliking, a majority of our fans are male, however we have a lot of female power. Us girls gotta stick together!
For the last time on this tour, we take pictures with every fan, sign things, and have conversation. I get this amazing portrait of me done with different fabrics and immediately post a picture of it to Instagram, and hug the fan. However, there's one thing that sticks out to us.
"U-Um hi, I-I'm Sam," a shy girl stutters, clutching a small back bag to her chest. We all smile at her kindly, hugging her so she doesn't lose her sh*t.
"I love your name, if I could I'd change it to a name like Sam or Stevie, something that could be unisex like that," Vienna babbles, and the girl laughs.
"I m-made these for y-you guys," Sam gets out, immediately handing me the small bag with shaking hands. I hug her tightly and open it, gasping at what's inside. Tears come to my eyes.
"Oh, Sam, they're absolutely beautiful!" I gasp out, pulling out the contents of the bag. Inside of the bag, there are four handmade charm bracelets, each encased in a jewelry baggie with our names written on them with a sharpie. I pass them out to all of the girls, who gasp in shock at them as well.
Drea's bracelet is black and dark gray, each bead an intricate design, one bead in particular clear with black roses hand painted onto it.
Reina's bracelet is amber-burnt orange themed, the bracelet itself being gold to match better. He had orange-burgundy flowers painted onto hers.
Vienna's bracelet is pink themed, the same intricate design made with the simplest beads, and her doesn't lack a clear head with pink roses on it.
My bracelet, however, reminds me of spring, with it being predominantly green, but with yellows and pinks and other various spring affiliated colors as. well there's a pink rose surrounded by green leaves and yellow swirls on a clear beads, making me awe.
The one thing that stands out, however, is they all have locks on them. "I w-wanted to put the locks to s-symbolize your p-personal friendships, because in all of your interviews you guys always say that besides your fans, that's what comes b-before the m-music." As she explains, Sam fishes around him her pocket. "I made a white one for M-May as well," she blushes, handing it to my friend.
"Awe, sweetie, you didn't have to, I'm not in the band," May says, hugging Sam.
"T-To me your band isn't just a band with f-fans, it's a family, and y-you're apart of it," Sam says, making May cry as well.
"I'll never take it off," May sniffs, and the rest of us murmur words of agreement, each of us helping the other out their bracelet on. We hug her one last time.
"Say Sam, these would be pretty cool merch ideas, would you be interested in helping May with making merch? It'd basically be a job, since you'd get paid," Drea offers, and everyone of us not in agreement. Now it's Sam's turn to burst into tears.
"I-I thought y-you'd hate t-them," she sobs out, and we hug her tightly.
I pull away, sighing. I need to tell Remington. May is right, he needs to know, and if there's another thing that Sam's bracelet made me think of, it's that I'm locking away this amazing gift that's for both Rem and I to share. If he decides he doesn't want it, then I'll cherish it with my life, all by myself, but that isn't for me to decide without him knowing.
As luck would have it, Remi walks up and smiles at me. "Can we talk?" He asks, and I nod, knowing it'll be about my god awful lie from earlier.
I pull him to the side, and decide to just blurt it out and get it over with. I don't want to torture myself about the possibilities any longer.

"Remington, before you ask about earlier, I'm pregnant."

I don't meet his gaze, and I'm almost too scared to, so I just stare at the ground, kicking dirt with the tip of my shoe. I start to grow scared after the first minute of silence, then the second, then the third. But I grow terrified after five whole minutes. Tears start to block my throat.
"Look, if you don't want it, fine, but I'm keeping it," I choke out, turning to speed back towards my group, who's conversing with Sam. Tears fall down my face, knowing that the hurt will end, and that I've got a beautiful family that'll help and support me, it just hurts that Remington won't be a part of that family anymore.
I gasp when my legs are swept from under me, and my shoulder slams into Rem's chest. I look at him to see him smiling giddily. "Y-you're happy?" I ask, surprised, and he rolls his eyes, spinning me around in his arms.
"Happy, I'm f*cking pumped! I'm gonna be a Dad!" He marvels, amazement in his eyes. I giggle, and he kisses me.
"Our future will be brighter than the stars," I tell him, and he winks at me, the smile never leaving.
"You know it, babe."

And that's the end :') I really don't know about a sequel, but comment your opinions! If I do one, it'll probably be like ITE, with the whole 'other life path' thing. Well, bye for now, guys!

 Well, bye for now, guys!

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