30: I Won't Let Her Die

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Smooth Criminal- Glee Cast

"Stevie, I can make breakfast," Eve starts.
"And I can help!" Drea supplies, trying desperately to get me away from the French toast
"Guys, I know you feel like you've gotta help cause I moved you guys in, but seriously, I want to cook breakfast. Eve if you want, you can go wake up the triplets for breakfast, Drea, you can go get Liam and Warren." I did move them in the night of all the drama, my mother moving back into her room which I'd left untouched, and Drea rooming with me. Liam moved in with the triplets, bunking with Auggie, while unfortunately Warren has to sleep in the Recording room.
It's been a good three weeks, and everyone has been so helpful. Since Warren's still in school and Liam is the same age as the triples--who're turning five this year--so he's got another year till he can start school. Because of this, Reina, who constantly babysits my siblings while I'm at work and graduated the same time I did, teaches him so that he's ahead. Vienna finished school last year, but is going to an art college downtown.
   I quickly set the table, placing the cooked food down after. I then quickly grab my bag and call out a curt goodbye, before heading out for work. Remington is there, waiting for me so he can drop me off at the salon, and I sigh in content. It's pretty great to know that he's my Boyfriend.
   I take in his spiked hair, Morrison Hotel ripped tee, leather jacket, black jeans, and black work boots, not forgetting his amused eyes and smirk.
  "Hey, princess," he greets me with a smile and pulls me to him by my waist. I giggle, but wrap my arms around his neck, giving him a quick kiss.
  "Hey, ready to go?" I ask him, and he nods, leading me over to his car. I think he learned his lesson about the motorcycle. We drive to the salon with comfortable conversation floating between us, hands clasped together. When we pull up to my work, he kisses me goodbye and tells me he'll see me later.
    Giggling to myself, I pull open the door to the salon, and start to talk to May.
   "Hey, girl, you'll never guess what--oh my god!" I shout, dropping my things and I gasp, horrified due to what I'm seeing. The salon is turned upside down, chairs knocked over and slashed, glass shattered from the giant frames that were once hung on the wall. The front desk is shoved to the side, and I pale at the sight of what I think might be blood.
   Tears start to form in my eyes when I realize the the one who opens everyday is May. I start to frantically scream her name, pushing passed object laying around and check under ever cubicle that wasn't bashed in or damaged, and in all of the back rooms, but find no luck.
   When I see a flash of gold on the wall, I turn, and drop like a rock. May's favorite gold charm bracelet that belonged to her older sister that died in the war is handing by a pair of hair dressing scissors, and I notice that there's a bit of blood on them. Above the scissors and bracelet are words, written in what looks like blood, and they read:

Come and find her.
   Almost as soon. As I read this, my phone buzzes, and I quickly check it.
   Attached to the message is a picture of a crying and frightened May, the side of her neck bleeding heavily as well as the wrist that isn't chained to a rusted pipe. My eyes fill with tears. She's one of my oldest friends.
The text reads:

Did you miss me? Come and get her. Take her place. We've got some things to settle.

   My breathing freezes, and the tears continue to pour from my defunct body. I screen shot it quickly, before I dial 911.

  "911, what's your emergency?"
  "She's been kidnapped, and he's coming for me," I whimper into the phone.


  Rylie, Warren, and Remington burst through the cops at the door, eyes searching frantically for me. My eyes are glued to May's precious charm bracelet, while I'm sitting in the same spot as before, not having the energy to move. What's the point? I'm probably going to die anyways. My phone vibrates again, and when I check it, its from a different unknown number, but it's a picture of me now, tears streaming down my stony face as I stare helplessly at the charm bracelet.

Pathetic. Just like that night.

   After I screenshot it, I whimper, burying my head in my hands, catching the attention of the three boys. They immediately rush to my side.
   I'm pulled into Remington's lap and he starts to rock me in his arms, while I bury my head into the crook of his neck.
   "Stevie, what's wrong, little one?" Rylie asks me gently, and I whimper once more.
   "They took her." My voice cracks, and I sit up and look directly into Rylie's eyes.
   "They took who?" He asks.
"And who took 'her'?" Remington adds.
My eyes well up again. "They took May." Both boys suck in a breath, while Warren continues to look at me.
"Who took her, Stevie?" He asks me gently, and I shake my head and bury myself in Remington's chest. I have a feeling that if I say anything to give away Rick, something really bad is going to happen to May. He wouldn't have taken her otherwise.
"I don't know," I sniffle, avoiding their gazes, and I can see them look at each other out of the corner of my eye. But it doesn't matter, it's not like they can prove I'm lying.
My phone buzzes, and I pull away from Remington to check it, just I case. I'm glad I did, because it's a soundless video of May, having a knife to her throats while a man holds a finger to his lips. A few seconds later, a text follows.

Smart decision, Stevie. Keep the secret and your friends remains unharmed. For the most part.

I make sure to keep my face void of emotion as I tuck my phone way. I won't let her die.

6K guys!!! I'm sorry to say that with AP exams coming up as well as two more major exams, I won't be updating weekly, probably closer to monthly. But after I will get back on schedule! We are nearing the end, however....

 But after I will get back on schedule! We are nearing the end, however

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