Chapter 60

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"Are you nervous about your report card?", Nathan asks, our hands intertwined underneath the table. "No, not really. I get informed as soon as my grades dare to drop. In other words, I always have to be better than everyone else and none of the teachers warned me this year.", a content smile on my lips. "That's not really fair, if you ask me.", he retorts,eying me closely. "I don't mind, whatever it takes for me to stay at this school.", I shrug, running my index finger over the soft back of his hand. "If you say so, I'd be pretty pissed.", he laughs, dismissing this topic. "Hey, do you remember your promise from a few weeks ago?", he asks, a smug smile curling his lips up. What promise? I never promised anything. Shaking my head, I wait for him to reveal the riddle. "You said, you'd play the guitar for me,remember?", the puppy dog eyes take over his face. Why is he so good at this? "Correct, I said, I never promised.", I grin at him, knowing that he'll beg for this as well.

"Please, we could go after we got our report cards. I really want to hear you sing and play.",his cheeks form a pout as he looks at me, the begging is strong with this one. "Is that a yes?", he interprets my silence, a hopefully glint in his eyes. "It's a maybe.", with that our homeroom teacher enters the room, a stack of paper in his hands. He soon after hands them out in alphabetic order, exchanging a few words with every student. "So Sky, you did very good this year. I'm amazed by your knowledge considering you're disadvantage. I think next to Claire you're the best in this class. Keep up the good work for next year.", he gives me one last gentle smile, before searching the room for the next person to get their report card. Nathan tries to peek over at the paper in my hands, which consisted of mostly As and Bs. Except for P.E, which is the only subject I have a C in.

"Not bad, you little nerd.",he grins, pointing at my report card. "I won't get one from this school, since I've only been here for a few weeks. My old school will probably send it to our new address.", he explains, still reading through what was written on mine. "You'll have to show me as soon as you get it.", I say, noticing Claire, who must have turned around to look at me only mere seconds before, but I still saw her eyes locking with mine. I don't know what I saw in them, hurt?Anger? Hate? Confusion? I have no clue. Nathan tabs my shoulder,pointing at the teacher who dismissed us almost half an hour earlier than the others would be. "Now we still have time to go downstairs.", he seems energetic and cheerful, tugging at the hem of my shirt like a child would do if it wanted something. I sigh,extra heavy. "Fine, you'll never shut up about it if I don't do what you want.", just seeing Nathans expression was enough to make me crack a smile.

We grab our stuff and start heading for the stairs that lead downstairs, but unfortunately being stopped by two girls from our class, who wanted to know what my grades were like this year. "Pretty okay, how about you guys?", I ask, smiling at them softly. Those two are okay, they're not like all these other weird chicks that were literally after me as soon as I started to come back to school. "I'm happy with the grades I have, unlike Meggie here.", she points at her friend, who brushed a strand of dark blonde hair out of her face, a slight blush spreading on her cheeks. "Oh, what's the matter with yours?", I ask politely, tilting my head a little. "Oh you know, math is giving me a headache. I have an E, but even with all this studying I never got my grade up. It's kinda frustrating." I nod, not quite seeing where her problem is, math is pretty simple if you ask me. "We were wondering if you could tutor us, since you're so good in math and we can't seem to find a good tutor.", the other girl asks, her bright green eyes sparkling a little.

Suddenly, I'm pulled a few steps back, a tight grip around my wrist. I turn around in surprise, seeing Nathan who had the most happy and creepy smile plastered on his face like a fake mask. "I'm sure Claire will help you guys with that,since she's the best in class. And if you want I can ask for you,but we have to get going now, I'm sorry.", without waiting for a response he pulled me with him down the empty hallway towards our original destination. "What's up with you, those girls were only asking me a question, no need to be rude about it.", I'm not sure if he heard me or if he's just ignoring me, but he's not stopping and not letting go of my arm. "Hey, I'm talking to you.", I try to wriggle out of his grip, until we finally reached the empty music room where he let go of me. "What was that all about?", I ask, a slight glare lowering my gaze. "Those girls were hitting on you.",he says, looking at me with pure confusion. "No they weren't and even if they were, it wouldn't have mattered to me. Nor should it to you.", I whisper, not wanting to start a fight, not with him and not after what had already happened between us.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have reacted like this. Forgive me?", he comes a little closer, putting his hands on my hips and drawing me closer, his lips lingering only mere centimeters away from me. "Maybe.", I breath out, before the space between them vanishes. He's moving more gentle than he usually would, one of his hands escaping underneath my shirt. We part slowly, looking at each other afterward. "I never want to loose you Sky.",Nathan leans down for another kiss, rougher this time, but still fairly innocent compared to the times we kissed at his place. "I won't go any where.", he smiles at my words, a sense of satisfaction in his eyes as he takes my hand and leads me inside the cold greyish room with the dirty red carpet.

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