Chapter 64

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"I'm not going to hit a girl.", at his words I turn to face Meggie who was about to bash Nathan's face in if he's going to say one more word. "Oh please,can't handle a beat down?", she was way too confident if you ask me, Nathan is twice as strong as she is and I bet everyone knows that. "Let's just say, you two go home and nobody gets hurt.",she crosses her arms once again, arrogance written all over her face. I feel sick to the stomach, almost dizzy at all of this happening around me. Where are the teachers when you need them, they should have this situation under control? "Nathan, please, let's just go.", I tug at the sleeve of his suit jacket, forcing myself to smile over the feeling of complete defeat. "Hell no! If she's asking for it I will beat her up.", he glares at the girl, before giving me a reassuring grin "Don't worry about it, I'm not actually going to hurt her.", he winks, walking up at Meggie. I follow so I could at least try to read their lips.

"Sorry to break it to you sweetheart, but we're not going anywhere.", he states, an extremely fake smile displayed on his features. I take a glance at her, unfortunately her eyes are staring right back at me. "And what about you anyway. I know you're a wimp but I never guessed you to be that disgusting. Thought you're a good guy and not an abomination to God.", she snarls, there was so much hatred in her face that the dizziness started to increase. "I'm not-", I tired to defend myself but get interrupted almost immediately. "Don't talk yourself out of this, it's your fault you started something with a loser like him", how dare she call him a loser?! He's the greatest person I ever got to meet. Locking eyes with Nathan, who had an angry, no wait, angry couldn't even begin to describe this expression on his face, I feel a wave of guilt wash over me, maybe this really is my fault. I look at her just in time as she was about to charge over to me, but got stopped by a flash of blonde hair and piercing blue eyes, who strike her right in the stomach.


And I can't believe it! She still cares! From where I'm standing I can read her lips, although it was challenging. "If you call him names or accuse him one more time, you'll be sorry.", Meggie was bend over, clenching Claire's arm for support with a pained expression. She turns her head towards me, giving me a reassuring and apologetic smile before letting Meggie drop to the ground. "Anybody else?", no one even moved one muscle, all eyes widened in shock at the girl laying on the ground and holding her stomach. Claire walks over to me, a sense of uncertainty in her face before she throws her arms around me, so do I, happy to finally have her in my arms again.

I rest my chin on the top of her head, breathing in the familiar scent of her shampoo and shower gel."I'm sorry! I love you so much, please forgive me!", I beg,tears making my vision blurry. The petite girl nods, her shoulders trembling slightly. After few minutes of sobbing in each others arms,we part smiling happily. "I'm sorry as well, I shouldn't have said what did.", she apologizes, rubbing her eyes to get rid of the tears that dared to leave them. "No, you were right, I treated you so bad during that time.", I wipe away the wet feeling on my face."Let's just say it was both of our faults and forget about it.",Claire laughs at the agreement she uttered, taking my hand in hers."I missed you so so much.", I admit, giving her hand a light squeeze. "I missed you too. I mean, I had nothing to do for the whole day, there was nobody I could annoy.", we both giggle, like the dorks we are, hugging one more time.

We turn to face our friends, who all watched us with huge smiles on their faces. "I'm glad you two are friends again.", Nathan places a gentle kiss on the tip of my nose. "So am I.", grinning at my boyfriend, I lean forward to Peck his lips, maybe even a little too confident. Turning back to look at Claire, she has a huge smirk plastered on her face. "So you guys are finally a thing? I'm happy for you.", come to think of it, she doesn't even know about all the things that have happened the last few days. "I have so much to tell you, Claire.", a sudden sense of excitement runs through my body making me forget about the whole threat thing that just happened a few minutes ago."So do I, baby bro. Way not ditch this place and go grab something to eat or something?", she suggests, taking a glance at Mika and Alex who seem to enjoy themselves.

"Yeah, let's.", we ask the others if they want to come with us, all of them happy for being able to leave and grab some food. Mainly because of the food. Claire didn't even bother to tell anybody she's leaving, she just went with us, heading across the dance floor towards the exit. A lot people stare at us, our movements as we close in on the door, but before we could even reach it, we get stopped by two girls. Junia and someone I haven't noticed so far. They're both holding hands,smiling at each other shyly. "Hey, Claire, Sky. I... we just wanted to say thank you for encouraging us to come out to all the other students.", Junia smiles at the other person, leaning closer for a short peck on the lips before looking back at us. "I'm happy for the two of you.", I smile, thrilled about the impact Nathan I had on this couple to openly show their love at this school after seeing what that group of idiots did to us. "Thank you.", Junia's girlfriend retorts, her light almost white hair matching her black one. I turn to face Nathan, who seems endlessly relaxed and calm,taking his hand in mine. "I do know you, but who are you?", her girlfriend asks the boy standing next to me as soon as I turned back to the two girls.

"Ah, I see, well I'm Aurora but Rory is fine as well.", she smiles at us, her sea green eyes piercing and fierce for her rather small stature. "Nice to meet you Rory.", I extend my free hand to shake hers, content about the new person I got to meet. Come to think of it only a month prior to now,excepting someone new in my life would have been an impossible thought, something scary and dreadful. And now? There is a hint of joy, knowing that these two girls changed something in their life because of me and my boyfriend. "-love to."; was the only thing I caught from Junias lips, the conversation has long continued."What?", I turn to face Nathan, asking him to repeat whatever they had said. "I invited them to come with us, you know, to grab some food.", he places a moist kiss on my forehead. "Oh.", I look back at the couple standing in front of us, "Sure, you guys should tag along."

They both smile at me, grateful for the invitation. "Then let's head out!", my sister appears in the middle of us so I could read her lips. We all agreed, making our way across the parking lot, scattering towards our cars and meeting up at the nearest Fast-Food-Joint, still wearing our nice dresses and suits. Mika got in the truck with us, since he and his brother had shared a ride to school. Everyone seems delighted about ditching prom and going out to grab something to eat. Nathans truck is ahead of the others leading them to the joint down the street. The cars are parked as we get out, entering the customer empty building. "Can you order for me?", I ask shyly, tugging at the hem of his suit. "Sure,what do you want?", I look up at the LED-menu which consisted of various cheeseburgers and fries. All of us decide to just randomly order half of the different choices and splitting the bill equally. Claire, Rory and Mika move the tables so we could sit at one big one,the food scattered in the middle for everyone to reach. Nathan and Alex each carry two trays of burgers, chicken wings, fries and soft drinks, bringing them to the huge table island they have set up.

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