Imagine Nine - The Lucky Ones (Tristan)

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"Katie, they're on again" Leanne told me from my side. I looked to where my best friend was gesturing and saw that on yet another channel Can We Dance was blasting out. I put down my book and began singing along. After it had finished - this was the seventh time I had made Leanne flick through the channels to find it, every time succeeding - Leanne sighed. "Can we please do something else? I understand you miss him and everything but watching their video over and over isn't going to make them come back any quicker" she informed me, and I knew she was right.

My boyfriend of three years, Tristan Evans, was famous now. As in rocketing to the top five in the charts famous. And it's came with the price of a strained, long distance relationship. I was stuck here in our crappy hometown whilst he was touring pretty much everywhere. There was always the worry of him meeting a pretty girl on tour, and that scared me quite a bit. But with nightly calls, video chats and constant texts, it made my paranoia die down a little. Which was a relief.

It was now six days after The Vamps were supposed to be returning from tour. But, Joe kept finding last minute gigs for them, which consequently resulted in them staying out there. I did everything I could to try and see every single one, whether it be beg people to livestream it, watch it on YouTube later or just have people describe it to me. It's never the same, though.

"Yeah, go ahead" I finally replied to Leanne, who was looking at me suspiciously, since I hadn't said anything in around fifteen minutes. She nodded and switched to a channel where a mind numbing reality show was on. It had no appeal for me, but Leanne loved it. I eventually left her to it and decided to sneak upstairs and call Tris.

"Um, hello?" he answered, his voice sounded rushed. "Hi, I was just wondering if you had any idea when you'll be back yet?" I asked straight out. "Sorry, Katie, but no. Joe says he's booked us a high profile gig tomorrow, the most important one we'll ever do" he replied, and I heard the other boys' muffled voices in the background. One of them suddenly got a lot louder - I think it was Connor's - and then the other three shushed him. Damn, I wish I knew what he said, it was obviously important. "Okay, I see.. Just, keep me informed, yeah?" I knew by this point my voice sounded pathetic and over dependent. "Of course. I love you" he told me, and I smiled softly. "I love you too. Go show them what you're made of" I replied, by this point my voice croaky and hoarse. I hung up before causing any more embarrassment.

I looked in the mirror, my blue/grey eyes sparkling with brimmed tears, and my blond hair no longer straight due to me constantly ruffling it during the phone conversation. "You're being so selfish, Katie. You're holding him back" I said to myself whilst staring at my reflection. I then cleaned myself up and put on a fake smile before heading back down to Leanne.

She saw through my fake smile immediately and pulled me into a hug. "Not tomorrow then?" she asked, her voice filled with sympathy. I simply shook my head. She said she'd sleep over, keep me company. I was thankful for that.

The next morning, I was awoken by the boys' first single ringing in my ears. "I thought i'd get a head start" Leanne called from the sofa, and once the song had finished she was already flicking through other channels. I smiled at her and sat beside her. She truly was amazing. "Actually Leanne, could you.. turn it off?" I asked, and she looked at me like I was insane.

"Leanne.." I repeated, feeling tears brimming, as I could still clearly hear the song. "I did.." she replied, and I looked at the tv, which was switched off.

I ran outside and straight into Tristan's arms. Leanne stood shocked behind me. "Surprise!" all four of them shouted, probably waking some of my neighbours. "Sit back and relax, this is way, way overdue" Tris said to me, and I obeyed. They then played every single one of my favourite songs. Amazingly, may I add.

After it had finished, I then went in for another hug, which he graciously accepted. "The most important gig?" I asked, looking up at him. "For the most important girl" he replied, and leaned down to kiss me. "How'd I end up this lucky?" we both ended up saying at the exact same time. "Because my love, we're the lucky ones" he announced and I snuggled into his chest.

Let's just say, the saying 'good things come to those who wait' applied here...

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