Imagine Eighteen - Front Page News (Tristan)

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I awoke to the pleasant sight of the sun shining through the blinds and the soft wind teasing my hair through the open window. However, the pleasantness was soon ruined by four people entering and jumping up and down repeatedly on the bed. It was in that moment I realised it was the first morning in months I’d woken up alone. “Happy birthday, happy birthday, happy birthday!” all four shouted repeatedly whilst bouncing as high as they could. I flicked them off and pulled the pillow over my ears, my hearing not ready to be impaired this early.

“No no we’ll have none of that today” James said with a laugh as he and Brad pulled me out of bed and onto the cold wooden floor. “Guys” I elongated the vowel sounds in an attempt to show them my annoyance (which was false, as I found it quite funny) to which they shrugged and skipped happily out of the room with Connor following, after giving me a huge hug. That just left me and Tristan. As soon as the door closed behind Connor, my boyfriend of four years outstretched his arms, and I gladly ran into them, ignoring the freezing cold sensation on my feet. As soon as we made contact, I was lifted off of the floor and spun around. “Happy birthday babe!” he shouted far too loudly for this time in the morning, but I didn’t particularly care.

Once I was eventually placed back on the ground Tris kissed the tip of my nose gently, and took my already cold hands in his warm ones, and began dragging me out of the bedroom. “Um are you forgetting something?” I asked sarcastically, causing him to turn around in confusion and let go of my hands. “I don’t think so. You’re here, I’m here, that’s all that matters to me” he replied with a smirk. I rolled my eyes at his cheesiness, even after four years he hasn’t dropped those awfully cliché lines.

I gestured to my outfit, which was still my multi-coloured pyjamas. “It’s your birthday you’re allowed to be lazy!” he exclaimed once clicked onto what I was telling him. I was then picked up bridal style and carried ever-so-gently down the stairs, up until Tris tripped over one of Brad’s shoes at the bottom. This event caused my arm to collide with the wall, and boy was it noticed. “Are you okay?” he asked, concerned, as he placed me back on the ground again and moved behind me to get a look at the collision point. “It’s fine, it’s a little bruise at most” I played down the pain, but I wasn’t fooling him. “Bradley!” Tristan shouted through the house. “Yeah?” Brad called back from, presumably, the living room. “Tradley’s over! You’ve made Nat hurt her arm!” there was a few seconds silence, then the brummie accent filled the awkwardness. “Okay, until next time my dear” was the response, which caused me to crack up, I loved their bromance so, so much.

After having my hand taken again, I was lead into the living room, to where the other three were making themselves at home, as they always did. “Sorry Nat” Brad said without looking away from the tv. “That’s alright Simpson. Just don’t let it happen again” I joked, and he turned to flash a quick smile before giving the tv his full attention again.

A few hours later, the boys rolled out of the house, admittedly they seemed a little hesitant. “Have a lovely rest of the day Nat” James told me as he hugged goodbye. “Don’t eat too much, that’s my thing” Connor joked as he hugged goodbye. “I’ll try not to fall into your car on the way out” Brad also joked as hugged goodbye. As the door closed, I immediately heard footsteps getting distant from behind me. I turned to find Tristan wasn’t where he was a few seconds ago. Putting the worst thoughts to the back of my mind, I walked into the living room and picked up my phone, scrolling through my networks. I was intrigued to find Tristan had posted on Twitter for fans not to disrupt this evening because he had some special things prepared, and the other boys had retweeted it and asked for his privacy too. Proposal was the first thing my mind came up with, but I attempted to push it to the back of my mind, as before. At just the right time, it seemed, as Tris entered the room at the exact moment I locked my phone.

Another few hours of birthday fun later, in the evening time, we were going for a fancy meal, all prepared in advance. Unfortunately this involved getting changed out of my pyjamas, you have to spend money to make money, I guess. After a thirty five minute drive we arrived outside a swanky looking restaurant, and as soon as we stepped out of the car, cameras started flashing. The Vamps were that popular now. I looked around to see no fans, and it made me smile how loyal they were to the boys most of the time. Tris wrapped an arm protectively around my waist and guided me through the ever-growing crowd of paps into the warm restaurant. “Evans, table for two” he told the waiter, and we were shown to a table in a secluded area of the restaurant, lit only by a row of candles directly next to the table. Hands down the most romantic setting I could have imagined.

Following the phenomenal meal, it was another ten minute drive to a mystery location. I drifted off a little bit during the car ride, so lost track of where it was we went. After I was gently shaken awake, my senses went into overdrive. Waves crashing on a sandy bank, sea air... we’d come to a beach. My favourite places in the world. I opened my eyes to an even bigger surprise, it was our beach. On this beach so much had happened. It was here we first met, after our families were on holiday at the same time, it was here he asked me on our first date after our two schools were on trips at the same time. Unbelievable, you might say, and I agree. But I couldn’t be happier it happened.  It was here he first told me he loved me, and it was here we shared our first kiss.

“You hopeless romantic” I whispered as I took his hand as offer of helping me out of the car and kissed him quickly as I passed by. Hearing the car lock behind us was a welcoming sound, it meant we were staying for a while.

I knew this beach like the back of my hand, and made my way delicately over to my favourite spot, one that overlooks everything, even the palm trees silhouetting in the moonlight. A few seconds later, Tris sat down beside me, and placed something in my lap. I tore my gaze from the silhouettes to stare at the object in the dim light of the lampposts not too far away. It was a book, and it immediately peaked my interest, with me being a ‘bookworm’ as they’re called. On the first page was the title ‘Our time together’ and underneath a picture of our first kiss.

Welling up with tears, I went through the scrapbook page by page, taking in every last detail of every last photo. On one of the last pages were the pictures taken by the paps earlier tonight. It then occurred to me they weren’t paps at all, were they? I should’ve known by the fact there were only three, two short and one tall, quiffs on two and untamed curls on the other. I mentally slapped myself for not realising this earlier.

Upon finishing the book, I turned to thank Tris, only to find he wasn’t there. What is it with that boy and disappearing today? I then heard a deep cough, and slowly placed the book back into my lap, thus removing it from the focal point of my vision. Instead it was replaced with the sight of my loving boyfriend. On one knee. Holding a velvet box. With a shining, diamond ring inside it.

I guess this beach has another memory tied to it now. Another picture to add to the scrapbook. And, this one was being a double page spread.


This is a special imagine for the lovely mrsxball on her birthday! I hope you like it xox

Go check out my new Brad story 'Hopelessly Devoted' on my profile!

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