Imagine Seventeen - Maybe This Christmas (Brad)

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Tonight was my company's Christmas party. I worked in a typical office, and I was really unenthused and reluctant to go. But, my best friend was insistent on getting me there. By that I mean she wouldn't take no for an answer. I suppose the night wouldn't be that bad, some of the other employees were, as some would say, party animals. So at least it wouldn't be ridiculously boring.

The night rolled around eventually, and as soon as we entered the club (yes, club. We as the employees were allowed to choose the venue) numerous drinks were thrown at us. I politely declined, being at work in the morning, but my best friend took everything that was on offer to her. I wasn't really worried, since she's a lightweight she'll be out of it soon enough. 

About a half hour later, some of the more eccentric characters announced party games would now take place. More specifically drinking games. The group consensus finally landed on the 'yes/no' game, which basically consisted of being asked simple questions, but if you answered with yes or no you had to down however many shots the others decided on. I lost, naturally, and two others set off to the bar to retrieve my three shots. Fortunately alcohol didn't affect me too much, so I would always be somewhat sober. 

Whilst the group was focussing on those at the bar, I noticed out of my peripheral vision someone shuffle to the position beside me. I turned to face them, and saw Brad Simpson sat there, already looking straight at me. He was one of the quiet ones at the office, he kept his head down and kept hiself to hiself. He very, very rarely spoke to anyone, and I had a feeling he was going to break this cycle. "You don't have to do this, you know" he whispered. "I know, I think i'll be fine though thankyou" I whispered back with a smile, and he shook his head. "I've seen what they're putting in those shots, I don't think you should" he insisted, and I shrugged. "What can I do?" I asked, hoping he had an alternative plan. "They'll cause a distraction and i'll get rid of the shots don't worry" he assured me, whilst gesturing to three other boys sat at the opposite end of the circle. I recognised them as James, Tristan and Connor, the only ones i've ever seen Brad communicate with. They, whilst returning my stare, gave me a thumbs up. Weird...

As soon as the shots were placed in front of me, the colouring was enough to put me off. There was no way I was drinking those. There was also no way this was a snowball that they'd given me. Now all the attention was on me, and I looked across at the three that were supposed to be causing a distraction, and it took them a few seconds to realise why I was glaring at them. Once they clicked on, all three burst into spontaneous screams, and they attempted to act - very badly, may I add - injured, and were soon all rolling around the floor in agony holding various parts of their body as if they were injured. I had to stifle a giggle, whilst everyone else turned their attention towards them. I then turned to face Brad, who was already grinning at me, before he took the shots from in front of me, dumped the liquid somewhere behind us, and placed the empty glasses back in front of me. A few seconds later, the three boys made a 'miraculous recovery' and the game continued as normal, I slipped under the radar.

After the game, another additional hour in which I exchanged many smiles and laughs with Brad, my best friend was pretty much out of it, and she was collapsed in a booth sleeping peacefully. "I'm just going to go check on her" I told Brad, and went to get up. Only to be stopped by Brad grabbing my wrist. "I think James already has it covered" he said with a laugh as he gave James a thumbs up and he scurried over to where I was about to go. "He's not much of a drinker, he'll get her home safe no problem" I was assured, and for some reason I believed every word he said.

Politely declining more and more drinking games, I found myself sat in an isolated booth, just wanting to get away from things for a while. I couldn't help but smile, though, when I noticed Brad slip into the seat opposite me. "Are you okay?" he asked, concern clouding his eyes. "I'm fine, just need a little break" I replied, without breaking the smile. After a few seconds of intense eye contact, I broke the silence. "Why is it you're so different to everyone but me?" I asked staight out, curiosity getting the best of me. He bit his lip, which was ridiculously attractive if you ask me, before answering. "I, um, i've been busy" he replied, and I knew he was hiding something. "Doing what?" I asked additionally, somehow knowing I wouldn't be prying. "Making this.." he whispered almost unintelligibly, especially due to the dance music blasting out of the speakers, it was hard enough hearing him speak in a normal tone never mind a quieter one. 

I didn't have to wonder for long, though, as an object was slid across the table to me. I put my hand on it to stop it falling onto my lap, and gasped as my eyes adjusted onto it. It was a CD, with my name on the cover. I looked over at Brad in hope of an answer, and he was just looking straight back at me with uncertainty, and still biting his lip. "What is this Brad?" I asked, craving an answer more than anything. "It's, um, something i've been working on since about eight months ago. It's just some songs I recorded with the boys that say how I feel better than I can" he explained, and I felt my eyes get wider. I flipped the case over and skimmed through the songs, and had to cup a hand over my mouth. "Are you serious?" I asked inquisitively, and he slowly nodded. 

Following this, I shuffled around the booth so I was sat beside Brad, and then that was the last action I had control over. Everything else just felt right, like an automatic set of actions proceeding one another. I looked Brad in the eyes, and I could tell he was too shy to do anything that he wanted to right now, so it was up to me. I wrapped my arms around his neck, and he responded by wrapping his around my waist, pulling me closer. Then I began to lean in, but Brad beat me to it. The kiss was sweet, tender and gentle, but oh so perfect. "Merry Christmas, Elle" he whispered, his breath hot against my cheek. "Merry Christmas, Brad" I whispered in response, and he leaned in again.

Hands down, best gift and Christmas ever. I then wasn't so mad about working the next morning..


Festive Imagine #5 for Elle! (This was the final festive imagine!)

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