Chapter 4: A Desire For Revenge

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6:30 in the morning, Katsuko was knocking on Kakashi's door. She repeatedly knocked trying to entice him out of bed. She stopped and listened. There was no sound to say he was making an effort. Katsuko banged the door harder hoping he'd get the message that something was wrong.

She growled in frustration searching the doorframe for a hidden key, she peaked under the mat when a pot plant caught her eye. She lifted an ominously placed rock to find a key buried beneath.

Taking the key and unlocking the door, Katsuko came into the dark apartment. "Kakashi!" she announced herself. She navigated the small apartment coming to the first room in the hallway. She knocked on the door. "Kakashi, get up, this is important. There's an emergency!"

She heard him groan from the other side followed by the sounds of him getting out of bed annoyed. "What?!" he pulled open the door shirtless and in shorts. "It's six thirty in the morning, what do you want?" his hair was messy and tangled, he kept his sharingan eye closed, but he still looked annoyed.

"I know, I'm sorry." she pleaded. "But you have to come with me to the hospital."


"It's important, just trust me, please."

He rolled his eyes closing the door. Katsuko sighed standing in the middle of the apartment impatiently waiting for him to hurry up.

"What's so damn important, Katsuko?" he finally emerged from his dark cave he holed himself in.

"It..." she swallowed the bile in her throat. "It has to do with Yuzuki."

He stopped. "What."

"You won't believe me unless you see for yourself." she headed for the door and Kakashi sighed. He reluctantly followed her out into the chilly morning in nothing but jonin pants, and a singlet. The sky was painted pink and orange and birds chirped in the trees of the early morning. He was too tired to think straight.

"What about her?" he asked following behind Katsuko who walked with urgency.

"Hurry up." she urged him.

Anbu had been stationed at Yuzuki's hospital door to prevent her from leaving. Her case was spectacular, it was unheard of throughout the nations, the doctors and nurses were baffled. Her bodily functions where all working as they are supposed to, only, her heart was a little accelerated than the average norm. She found it a little difficult to breath, but it was nothing concerning.

And the stab wound; the placement of where the sword struck its final blow, piercing the left side of her abdomen, had caused damage to her reproductive system. She couldn't necessarily feel the pain due to the drugs they gave her.

Hiko had to deliver the news she may not ever be able to have children. It didn't seem to faze her. She simply stared out of the window and replied with a simple, "Oh." as if to sound upset. Maybe she was on the inside.

Her psych evaluation showed the results of a normal functioning brain, everything seemed in correct order. There was just one thing invisible to them, the growing hatred that bubbled inside of her every second that she sat in that room; The uncontrollable desire for revenge.

Katsuko had finally returned with Kakashi who idly followed. "Papa, he's here." she announced. Hiko glanced up with saddened eyes and motioned for Kakashi to follow. He's been asking questions and getting no replies. He was getting tired and just wanted to go back to bed.

"What's going on?" Kakashi demanded answers.

"You won't believe us even if we told you. You have to see for yourself." Hiko guided him to the second floor to a secluded ward for patients who had undergone intense surgery. He guided him to a room where two Anbu stood guard. Kakashi expected to be taken to the morgue. Why was he even here?

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