Day 8:

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"Wait Tae, my answer is yes" I gave him a bright smile. His eyes lit up and filled with joy. He picked me up and spin me around. He then dropped me and cupped my cheeks. We stared at eachother until we were only inches apart. We kept staring at eachother until our lips smashed together.

After awhile he pulled away and stared into my eyes.

"Let's go Min Hee-a" he held onto my hand. We walked around the park until we saw two little kids playing around.

"They remind me of us when we were younger" He had a bright smile on his face.

"Yeah they do actually. I miss those days. I wonder if I never left what we would be doing right now."

"Let's go. I'll send you home" we both left the park and headed towards my place. He held onto my hand.

"Arraseo" we continued walking until we reached my house.

"I'll text you later" he gave me peck. I gave him a smile and kissed his cheek.

"Bye!" He waited until I entered my house.

I went up to my bedroom and laid down.


I told you to stay away from him.

It was from Soo Young. I stared at phone waiting what else she could say.

I never agreed that I'll stay away from him. Don't even think about taking him away from me.

Even though you guys are together now. I'm going to be the one who breaks it up.


Hi Baby 😘

Hi Tae💓

I miss you already😭

I miss you too

What are you doing?

I couldn't reply and kept thinking about what Soo Young can do to him.

I'll text you later my mom is asking me to help her

I lied. I didn't want to tell him about Soo Young.

Alright. Bye😘

I threw my phone on my desk and laid down looking at the ceiling.

"I want to cut myself again" I reached into my drawer and grabbed a blade.

"Let's see how much of my depression is going to go away this time" I started cutting it slowly one by one and let the blood drip.

"It feels good to let the pain take over" my eyes started to get blurry. I started cutting on my other hand.

"I need to stop cutting myself like this" tears rolled down my cheeks. I decided to go walk around the park. Soon it started sprinkling. I kept walking while looking down until I bumped into someone.

"Mian-" I looked up to see Mark.

"Hey there baby" he held onto my shoulders.

"Let me go!" I struggle to get out of his grip. I finally got out of his grip and started running towards my house until I couldn't run anymore while he was still behind I made a quick turn towards Taehyung's house. I quickly knocked on his door for him to open.

"Min Hee" he opened the door and stared at me.

"Hurry" I quickly entered his house and closed the door.

Ding dong

"Don't open it" I started to breathe hard.


"Just don't"

"What happened. Why is Mark out there?" He came closer to me.

"I need to tell you something" I pulled towards the couch.

"What is it?" He had a serious face.

"Mark is my ex boyfriend. I'm sorry that I didn't tell you before"

"Mark is your what! But it's okay. I'm just glad that you told me" he hugged onto.

"I'm just scared. He can do anything to me at this point" I was in a ball holding onto my knees as Tae was hugging me tight.

"Don't worrt. He's not going to do anything to you"

"Can I stay here for tonight. I don't want to walk home alone when he's around"

"It's okay. Come on, your all wet" he brought me a pair if clothing to change into.

"Change into these" I nodded and waited until he was gone.

"Tae you can come in now" he came in with his hair wet.

"Did you take a shower?" I jumped onto the bed.

"Yeah" he came and sat next to me with his arm around my shoulders. I leaned onto his shoulders until he noticed there was more cuts.

"Didn't I tell you to stop cutting yourself" he held onto my arm. He went and got some bandages and ointment.

He pulled my arm to him and started to put it on. I finche a little as he slowly put the bandages on.

"Does it hurt?"

"Ani. I'm used to it"

"Sure you are" he let go of my hand and crawl next to me again.

"Will you ever cheat on me with another girl?" I asked as I thought of what Soo Young had said today.

"Why would I cheat on you. How can somebody cheat on such a beautiful person like you"

"Promise?" I held out my pinky.

"Promise" he locked our pinkies together and leaned in closer. He cupped my red cheeks and stared into my soul. We were inches apart as I stared into his dark brown eyes. He leaned in closer and kissed me. His lips are soft, he genital kissed me. He pulled back and stared into my eyes.

"Goodnight Min Hee" he kissed my forehead and put his arm around me.

"Goodnight Tae" I slowly close my eyes and leaned onto his shoulder slowly falling asleep.

Taehyung's POV :
She slowly stated drifting off. I stared at her until she was asleep. I turned off the light and fell asleep next to her.

Haiiiiii sorry that this is a short chapter and boring. I was a bit blank for a while. But please check out my new FF. It called BTS Next door. But anyways BYEEE!!!!!

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