It Was All A Test

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As Tae and I was walking home someone "accidentally" bumped into us.

"Watch where your going" Soo Young snapped at us and turned around.

"Oh my gosh it's you two" she said in an adittuded tone.

"Shouldn't you be dead or something" she looked at me.

"Just get out of our way Soo Young. Nobody wants to talk to you right now" Taehyung and I walked right passed her. She bumped her shoulder into mines and walked off.

"What a bitch" I mumbled.

"It's okay, she's not going to be in our way anymore" Taehyung smiled which warmed my heart everytime.

"Arraseo arraseo, let's go before it gets late" I can see the cold air I'm breathing out.

"Ani, I still have something else to show you"

"Another surprise?" I looked at him.

"Mhm" he stopped and took of his leather jacket. He placed it over me and I looked at him.

"Why are you giving this to me? Aren't you cold?" We continued walking.

"Ani, I'm fine, as long as I'm with you" I just looked at him until he randomly stopped.

"Remember this?" I looked around the place to see us at the skateboard park where he took taught me how to skateboard.

"Has it really been 3 years?" I looked at him.

"Mhm" he let go of my hand and grabbed something. He got two boards and looked at me.

"Can you still skate?" He handed me one.

"Of course" I took it from him and put it on the ground and started rolling off.

"Yah wait for me" I heard him from behind me. I quicken my speed and soon saw him next to me.

"Your better than before"

"Oh shut it" I hit his arm. We both got off and decided go walk around the park in the middle of the night.

"Remember this?" He brought me to the water fountain that we played at that got me sick.

"Why are you bringing to our memories together back in high school?" I looked at him.

"Just because" I smiled at him and walked around the huge fountain together.

"Aigoo remember when I pushed you in there and you got all wet" I said and he looked at me.

"Of course, and then I pulled you with me" he pulled me into a hug. We stayed like this for a while.

-At the Dorm-
As Taehyung and I stepping into their dorm I smelled Kimchi stew.

"Jin Oppa what are you cooking? Kimchi stew?"I happily skipped over to the kichten.

"You two are back already? I wanted this to be a surprise" he stir the soup while the others are doing their own things.

"Annyeong Min Hee!" I heard Jungkook yelling.

"Die!!" I heard Jimin yelled and the TV turned on.

"Hi little sis" I heard Namjoon said and turned around.

"Why you calling me little sis~ oh yeah I forgot" I scratched the back of my head.

"Forgot what?" Taehyung popped out if no where.

"Dinners ready!" Jin said and placed the food in the center of the table.

"Where Yoongi oppa at?" I said and looked to see everyone else but him.

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