All Hallows Eve (part 2)

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It was already night fall, the full moon was high and bright, shining light on everyone in the kingdom. Eden and Nathanael were in the heart of the kingdom watching the citizens dance, laugh and enjoying themselves to the fullest. "Now isn't this nice?" Eden asked still trying to murder the guilt that was taunting her. "Yes mistress but I really don't feel well. I shouldn't be here." Nathanael warned but his mistress just pushed it aside. "Don't worry Nathanael, you'll be alright just enjoy the night." Eden comforted and they began walking again.

Eden could feel the full moon's effect on her, her powers were getting stronger by the minute and she wondered where her husband might be. "Right here." Bastian called from behind a vendors stall. "Sebastian. What brings you here? I thought you and The Count were having great time together." Eden sassed.

" Oh my love. Jealousy never looked good on you so I suggest you get rid of it." Bastian countered causing Nathanael to snicker. "Oh hello Nathan I didn't realise you were there."

"It's okay I was just leaving." Nathanael said but Eden grabbed him by his collar. "Do not leave me with this traitor." Eden begged but Nathanael only laughed bidding her farewell. The married couple walked in silence till they were standing on a wooden platform by the lake next to the castle. "What are you and Dante planning?" Eden couldn't help but feel left out even though she didn't want anything to do with their shenanigans. She just wanted things to be simple like they were when she was freshly married and Dante wasn't a mad man in a Count's skin.

"He is planning something. I am not." Bastian lied. "How do I know that you're not lying Bastian?" Eden interrogated. "Was I not looking straight into your eyes when I said what I had said my love."

"Yes but that means nothing. You spend more time with him than you do with me. He's poisoned you against me, hasn't he?" Eden queried with her poker face intact. She never liked to seem weak. Especially in front a man. "Never my love. Dante has no such power over me. I love you, you know that, right?" Bastian was starting to have doubts about joining his cousin-in-law. He hadn't thought about how it would affect his marriage and his precious sex life.

"I have no doubt that you do but it just doesn't feel like that anymore." Eden said honestly. They both stared at the moon's reflection on lake and Bastian got an idea. "Eden do you remember how we met?"

"Yes. You tried to have sex with me when I was bathing in this very........lake." Eden looked on her husband's now mischievous filled face, she suddenly felt two hands push her into the lake. She screamed as she hit the cold moonlit water, her hears filled with Bastian's laughter. "Are you insane? You ruined my dress!! You rabid dog!! Ugh!"

"Would you feel better if I was in there with you?"

"It's not like you have a choice anyway." Eden snapped her fingers and her husband fell face first into the water causing Eden to descend into a fit of laughter. He struggled to get to the surface but Eden's magic kept him under.

Even though Bastian wasn't a complete natural like his wife he was still able to drag her down, with the help of the full moon. They stared at each other for a minute but it felt like years and only one thing was on their minds at this moonlit moment. Sex.

They came up for air before proceeding to eat each others face off. They groped, licked and kissed every part of each other possible and just as they were about do the final deed a bright light shone in their faces.

"What in the name of God is going on!?" It was Magistrate Gabriel with two lanterns.

Eden flushed with embarrassment while her better half smirked asking the magistrate if he enjoyed the view to which he answered with a look of disgust and walked away leaving the couple to finish what they started.

Meanwhile dear Dante was deep in the woods thanking the demon he summoned for removing the wards when they heard a growl. The demoness jumped in front of Dante baring claws and fangs. Dante was baffled as to why the demon was protecting him but he didn't protest he just set the tip of his pointer finger ablaze and waited on whatever was lurking in the dark.

A black blur sped past the two, it looked like a man but it moved too quickly to be one. Maybe I allowed another demon to cross over Dante thought but he would've felt it cross over so that couldn't be it. "Who and what are you?!" Dante called but there was no answer only a growl and a set of blue glowing eyes in the shadows. The beast sped past the demoness tearing it's throat. Black liquid sprayed like a fountain from her neck. Dante stared in horror at the sight in front of him. He never did too well in situations like this. He would either run in horror or burn everything down in fright but tonight the full moon was with him so fear wasn't in his vocabulary at this moment.

"Come out come out where eve-shit!" Dante was now standing face to face the scary beast. 'He' was completely naked. Dante took a while to process the beast's perfectly sculpted body, The Count's eyes trailed down but quickly stopped at the his V line when he realised what he was doing. He decided to focus on the more frightening physical characteristics like the elongated canines, extremely sharp claws and the most mesmerizing blue eyes. It was probably because it was glowing. Dante loved anything that glowed.

The half man half beast took in Dante's scent then bowed before him.

Dante was dumbstruck. He wanted to ask a question or two but he didn't feel like getting eaten tonight, at least not in that way. I think I know him Dante thought but he couldn't tell with the whole dog look. I know I've him seen before but where?When?

Dante then realised he had a chance to escape from this thing but for some strange reason a part of him wanted to stay. It was most likely the eyes again but he pushed aside the need to stare and flicked his wrist throwing the beast somewhere in the woods and flew off in the other direction. "Eden will not believe this."

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