It Wasn't Me

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It was now two days after the whole fiasco that happened at the palace and the perfect time to bury the loved ones we've all lost. Everyone stood in the cemetery over countless newly built graves but Rafael's own stood out more since he was now deemed a hero after fighting the beast to his very last breath. Eden stood there with blank face trying to hide the pain from everyone and prevent the rain from falling while Bastian smirked under his black hat.

"These people will always be remembered in our hearts forever." Father David declared. "We will now be heading to the church for drinks and other refreshments." As the crowd walked slowly to the church Eden started hearing rumours about the witch that killed Zanique, they were saying it was Evelyn but it's obvious it was Patricia. No one else in the kingdom new traditional magic like her and Dante, and Dante isn't present at the moment so it must've been her. Eden didn't get to thank her since she was taking a while get use to her new body but she will when she returned to bid her farewell since she was leaving for New Salem.

They arrived at the church and started to mingle, sharing stories about their lost ones, crying.......again while others put on their happy face and smiled through the pain like The Countess who was this close breaking.

"Eden you look like hell." Bastian jeered. "Well I feel like how I look, like hell." Eden monotoned.

"Oh come on you hardly knew the man." Sebastian whispered.

"Oh shut up you know nothing of what I knew about him, you were either out getting drunk with your little minions or screwing Thalia the next door neighbour." Eden bitched.

"Eden I didn't do anything." he lied "And you haven't been a saint either since you were cheating with Rafael." he added.

"You didn't do anything? Ha hilarious. I didn't do anything either because of you but now that I look back...................I should've screwed him in the center of the kingdom for all to see." Eden hissed leaving a raging Bastian in her wake. She marched through the crowd till she was grabbed by someone, Michael, he asked if she was alright cause he knew the connection she and his brother had, he also told her today was his last day in Gloire since he couldn't stay in the same place his brother died, they parted ways leaving Eden alone with no one to talk to. It's times like that she misses Dante the most, when there's is no one to talk to but she learned to live without him and move on with her life until fate decides it's time to reunite.

The gathering was finished and Eden walked home alone, not even wondering about Sebastian for a second since she already knew the two  possible places he could be, at the bar or just next door. She spotted an old carriage at her house from far and realised it was just Patricia packing for New Salem. "Wait!!!" Eden called running towards the Bennett witch.

"T-t-thank you." Eden choked out of breath. "What ever for? I should be the one showing gratitude for all you've done." Tricia asked.

"You single handedly took down those men and killed Zanique on the night you suppose to you know kick the bucket." Eden answered and Patricia tilted her head to the left and squinted her eyes. "Countess are you drunk again?"

"No!.........Okay maybe a little but the witch I saw used traditional magic and you're the only traditional witch left in the kingdom so I only assumed it was you."

"No I was out cold from the transfer when all of that occurred. I'm sorry but I need to go, if you need anything just write me and I'll be right her." Pat smiled and hopped in her carriage and rode off.

"What? I'm gonna go get drunk now."

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