He Wrote

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Pic of Knoxroy Petrova

Eden laid in Dante's- well her bed since she's been in it ever since he left and he probably won't come back. She laid not wanting to move a muscle till someone barged in. "Wake up sunshine!!" Knoxroy yelled.

"Don't you have anything to do besides tormenting my soul." Eden groaned.

"Yes and I've finished them all. Now get out of bed before I make you." Knox threatened.

"If only you knew what I could do to you." Eden sighed and pulled the sheet over her head. She then felt the bed sink signalling that he was now in bed with her and she was naked. She fought the panic and blush that was creeping on to her face and pushed her head out to see him staring at her. She stared into his blue and brown eyes and wondered what sin did his parents commit that his eyes were now two different colors.

"I was born that way and my parents were good christian people so I doubt they did anything." He answered. Eden's mouth hanged wide open as she tried to figure how in the world could he do that.

"How is that you know my every thought?" Eden slowly eased out from under the sheets showing some cleavage which immediately caught the butler's attention.

"U-m I-I don't kn- know.............................." he trailed off still staring at Eden's cleavage. Eden thought about grabbing his face and shoving it down her nether regions as she watched him lick his lips.

Ugh!! I want her so bad it hurts!! Eden heard his voice in her head. What the bloody hell, she thought before she heard him again. I wonder how she would taste as I work her with my mouth. He thought earning a very loud moan from Eden causing Knox to pull on his signature smirk.

Stop wondering and just do me!!! Eden thought back and Knox heard, looking at her weirdly before attacking Eden's neck wantonly. Eden grabbed his head pulling him closer, tugging lightly on his hair. Knox slowly moved down to her breasts, trailing kisses along way, sucking on her left nipple and Eden went straight to heaven and back.

A cold wind blew the window open and lightning clashed frightening Eden causing her to jump out of the sex god's hold on her and ran to the window to close it. "When did that happen?" Eden asked still looking out on the storm that raged outside.

"Thank you God, for ruining the moment." Knox yelled.

"It's okay, don't worry and Oh My....." Eden ran to bed and grabbed the sheets when she realised she standing by the window naked.

"Why so shy all of sudden?"

"Um nothing just get out and let me get dressed." Eden ordered and he complied. "What the hell just happened?" Eden sighed then suddenly a bright flash of light revealing a crumpled piece of paper on the floor. She cautiously walked over to the paper and eyed it for a while before picking it up and reading it.

I'm not certain what I'm suppose to say but I will start with I'm sorry before I say anything else. I'm not sorry for leaving but I do regret leaving without warning or saying anything. I'm also for sorry what happened to Rafael, I hope y'all got with it before he died and don't worry about me just know I'm fine with "The New Patricia", Nathanael and some guy named Shiro. LOVE Dante.

Eden stared at the letter then smiled. She finished putting on her clothes and headed downstairs to see some guy in a black cloak talking to Knox. "Knox do we have a visitor?" Eden called walking towards the door, she instantly recognised the man, it was Magistrate Hale. "What brings you to my humble abode." Eden asked with a radiant smile.

"I'm just here to ask my nephew if everything was alright." Magistrate Hale said confusing Eden. She didn't know he had a nephew and why would he be here?

"I'm sorry but your nephew isn't here." Eden corrected.

"Yes I am." Knox spoke up with a sheepish smile plastered on his face. "I'm sorry I didn't tell you. I didn't think it was relevant."

"It's alright and I assure you your nephew is in good hands Magistrate."

"I was just a little worried about him when this freak storm hit us out of nowhere. It only lasted for four minutes, quite strange isn't?" he asked looking to Knox the whole time. It was like he was interrogating him.

Trust me Uncle, I tried keeping my hands to myself  but she's my mate. Knox thought and Eden heard but what surprised her is when The Magistrate answered back as if his nephew could hear him.

Nonsense child. Our kind doesn't have mates and on top of that she's a witch, they are our natural enemies. I have lived for five hundred years and I know the consequence of a witch getting together with our kind, so I implore you, don't do anything stupid.

By now Eden's brain was on overdrive. What were they? And why were they enemies? Aren't vampires and witches natural enemies? How did Mr. Hale live that long? Why can't she bone her butler? And what are the consequences?

"Uncle I think you should go, I have work to do." Knox then went back inside.

"Um Magistrate it might seem weird that I ask this question but how old are you?" Eden asked.

"Forty six. Why?"

"Wow you don't look like forty six." Eden said with slight sarcasm at the end. "Well it's always nice to see such a "young" face in morning but I have my art to work on." Eden slammed the door in Gabriel's face and stood there thinking about all that just happened to her. "Dante will not believe this."

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