Chapter 20: Fated Part 1

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Three days after the conversation...

On a dull rainy night Kyoyo sat on the top step of the 3rd floor on school grounds. She contemplated on whether she should leave or not. In other words, she so desperate wanted to go home to where her primary family was. She took a long hard look outside the window that was showering with raindrops. Her legs were pinned to her chest and her cheek rested on top of her kneecaps. She wasn't aware exactly why but it felt good to get away from the Sakamaki manor and everybody else in it.

A dry sigh escaped from the back of her throat as she reflected on her mother and father. She realized that her mother was worried sick of her whereabouts. Ever since her father passed away, Kyoyo's mother became ill and hasn't been the same ever since. As a matter of fact, her condition had gotten worse the last time she saw her. How could she be so careless not to check up on her mother?

With that being said, Kyoyo got off the ground and hurried to where the school's phone was located. When she found her destination, a relieved smile appeared on her face. She picked up the phone and dialed her mother's house. It only rung four times before someone finally answered it.


"Hello auntie? It's me, Kyoyo."

"Kyoyo-chan? Is that really you?! Thank goodness, you're alright."

"Yes I'm alright," she told her with a warm caring voice.

"Where are you," asked the aunt.

"It's a long story...hence, I'm in school with friends, so there's nothing to worry about."

She heard her aunt sigh. "That's good to hear, but I'm afraid I've got some bad news. That's why I'm glad that you called."

After hearing this, her heart started to beat fast. "Well...what is it? Is it about my mother?"

"Yes, I'm afraid so...Her condition got worse after you left. You uncle and I did everything we could to prevent that from happening. There's not much time left."

Tears fell down Kyoyo's cheek, it felt like her worst nightmare came back to haunt her all over again. "How much time does she have left," she sorrowfully asked.

"A week or so..." The aunt answered. Suddenly the raven girl's heart stopped for that moment. "It's time for you to come home Kyoyo-chan."

Kyoyo's eyes shut after much time of letting her tears fall. "I'm on my way there. Wait for me," She told her aunt before hanging up the phone.

She turned on her heel to make a quick exit. However, she ended up facing Kou who was standing there with a concern expression. Kyoyo eyes downcast when she caught herself staring into his eyes. She suddenly couldn't move legs anymore because they felt heavier.

"Are you alright," he asked as his cheeks turned pink.

She slowly nodded.

"Are you sure? It seems like you're in a rush to go somewhere."

"So what if I am," she responded.

He looked away from her. "I thought that maybe you could use a ride to your destination."

Kyoyo cocked an eyebrow. "You are offering to give me a ride?"

"So what if I am," He mocked with a smile.

"Let's say that you are. What do you want in return?"

Kou gasped with his hand placed over his chest. "Are you referring that I want sexual favors in return?"

She furrowed her eyebrows. "Well don't you? Aren't most vampires pervs?"

"I assure you, it's nothing like that. Just think of this as a debt I'm repaying," he explained.

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