Chapter 30: The Time is Now Part 2

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Shu... Aren't you going to say anything," asked Reina. She was standing by the doorframe with her hand clenching the copper knob.

The tall blond vampire rose up from the bed and walked toward them without saying anything. Reina bat her eyelashes confusedly; Shu seemed different after hearing the news about his father showing up at the house, and his silent treatment didn't help her figure out what's wrong with him either. Sure enough, he walked straight pass her and out of the bedroom, he didn't even bother to glance back at her, not even once.

Nora, Reina's mother smiled awkwardly with her mouth gaping open at him. She assumed that he wasn't too thrilled about his old man being at the house. However, his expression was blank, so she couldn't really tell what he was thinking about.

"What's his problem?" Nora whispered to her pregnant daughter.

Instead of answering her mother's question directly, Reina found herself gazing longingly at her boyfriend as he disappeared down the hall.

"Oh Shu..."

He walked down the stairway and suddenly felt edgy about the man being at his girlfriend's home. He knew that his father didn't normally visit, it was impracticable. So he reckoned that it had something to do with Reina being pregnant. That had to be the only logical reason why the vampire king was there.

The sound of laughter drifted into Shu's ears from downstairs as he walked down the stairwell. The moment he foot touched the bottom step, he immediately caught a glimpse of a man with blond long hair and glasses on, which meant that his father was in disguise.

Karl chuckled to himself ones again. "What an excellent suggestion, Honda-san. I'd definitely look into it," he told Ryuu who was sat on the recliner chair with his back towards Shu. Karl glanced at his son from the corner of his glasses, smug face and all. "Well, look who it is... My eldest son has finally arrived."

Ryuu gazed over his shoulder at Shu with a warm smile and then he waved him over. "Hey, why don't you come over here and join us, Shu!"

He calmly entered the living room area. Unfortunately, his eyes never left his father as he sat down on the couch beside him.

"I was just telling your father here that I'm an architect," Ryuu began to speak. "What do you think about my company rebuilding the infirmary at your school?"

Shu shrugged as his eyes never left the man sitting next to him. "I don't know... As far as I know, I don't attend Ryoutei Academy anymore."

"That's right. You and Reina graduated last spring. My daughter told me all about how she skipped another grade. I'm glad that she got to finished high school successfully."

"Your daughter was at the top of the class at Ryoutei Academy in only such a short time. It's a shame that pregnant. Now her life has to be put on hold for my son's carelessness." Karl sighed.

Shu clenched his fist until his knuckles turned white.

"Now, I wouldn't put all the blame on your son, Tougo." Ryuu referred his statement to Karl. "He a good kid... and besides, my daughter has a mind of her own and she can surely think for herself."

"You got a valuable point there, Ryuu," Karl agreed with his hand resting under his chin. "It seems that our children got themselves in a bit of a mess... Marriage looks like the solution to fix this... Don't you think?"

Suddenly Shu eyes snapped open wider. He couldn't believe what he heard out of his father's mouth. How dare he get involved.

Ryuu went to open his mouth and respond, but then he heard footsteps coming down the staircase. Reina and her mother stopped in front of the entryway and took a look at their surroundings.

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