Chapter 38: The After Dance Part 1

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YOU!" Subaru hissed through his teeth.

Mayu innocently smiled at him and said "before you yell at me, think to yourself, this... Is it even worth it?"

The angered vampire pressed both his hands on each side of her chair and gripped the back until he made a dent on each side. He had a roguish smirk on his face, as he bent down close enough to bite her face off. Out of nowhere he growled at her. It was nothing like she ever seen before.

"Eh... Subaru... you're a little too close and people are watching." She warned, with an awkward chuckle escaping her lips.

He moved his head towards her ear and whispered "Your ass is mine, Fukui."

At that moment, Subaru swept Mayu off the chair and aggressively threw her over his shoulder.

"Eek!" Mayu screeched from the top of her lungs and squirmed around violently. "SUBARU! PUT ME DOWN THIS INSTANT!"

"Tch, shut up! You only made this worse on yourself!"

Karl pinched the bridge of his nose and sighed deeply at the matter, "Oh dear."

Christa scowled her husband for just sitting there. "Karl! Do something! He's your son!"

The vampire king whipped his head around with an bewilder and confused expression. "Sure... HE'S only my son when he does something reckless like this... but any other time, he's yours? Tch, give me a break."

"I have you know, hun... I'm on babysitting duty at the moment." Christa reminded with Apollo rocking safely in her arms.

"And so am I! My dearest granddaughter isn't exactly invisible, darling!" Karl retorted, as he held Luna who was peachfully asleep through the whole ceremony.

Christa smiled down at Apollo who was munching and drooling all over his tiny fist. "Apollo, can you say grandma?" She asked, even though she already knew he couldn't talk.

Apollo took his fist out of his mouth and looked at her from the corner of his piercing eye. A cutesy grin appeared on his face as tried to put a word together for her. "B-Bo... Boo..."

Christa's eyes lid up in amazement. "My goodness! Look, Karl! I think your eldest grandson is trying to say something."

"Is that so?" Karl leaned over her shoulder and examining closely. "What do you think he's trying to say?"

"I don't know," She responded truthfully. A few seconds later she gasped, "Shhh! I think he's trying again."

"B-Bo-Boo... Boob," he blurted out clearly. Suddenly, his hand reached out to touch her bosom.

Christa's eyes widen at the little boy with strawberry blond hair and pink colored eyes that had narrow pupils exactly like his father. She couldn't believe it. "Gosh! The nerve of this little perv!"

"Hahaha," Karl laughed hysterically, as he whipped away the invisible tear from his eye. "Well... Now I see which parent he takes after."

She narrowed her eyes at her husband and huffed. "Why do I even bother with the men in my life?"

"SUBARU! I SAID, PUT ME DOWN!" Mayu screamed.

The second they entered Reiji's studies, Subaru dumped her down on the couch and straddled on top of her. Next, he took out a tube full of purple liquid from the inside of his vest's pocket, with the lid still attached.

Mayu turned her nose up and crossed her arms over her chest, as she looked to her side. "I'm not drinking that. I refuse."

Subaru held the tube in his hand and glanced down at her with a serious face. "Oh, you're drinking it... and I'm gonna finish what you started." Therefore, he popped the lid off the tube and poured every last drop in his mouth.

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