Chapter 37: A Wedding Without Boundaries Part 2

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What are you doing here?" Yui repeated in disbelief. She furrowed her eyebrows and squint her eyes at him, which made him smile at her from head to toe. Shortly after, the blond shook her head and closed her eyes tightly. "I must be delusional... T-That's it! My father would never show up announce especially on my wedding day." She breathed out.

Seiji Komori caring smile turned into a frown. "What are you talking about?" He paused when picking up his feet to move towards her. "Yui, this is your father speaking. Who else in god's name would I be?" He questioned as he reached out to touch her shoulder.

Yui sharply opened her eyes again and glared at his hand before shoving it away. "DON'T TOUCH ME! There is NO GOD! And YOU most certainly are not my father!" She snapped furiously, letting her tears fun down her face now.

The elder man standing before her lowered his gaze to the ground. "I know you're probably angry with me and maybe I shouldn't have come but-"

"Who invited you?" Mayu interrupted as she licked her lips in a hungry manner.

Seiji shuttered and fell back hard against the marble floor on his rump.

"Yeah! How did you find out?" Kyoyo curiously added, glaring down at him suspiciously.

The bride dabbed her tears away with a handkerchief under her eyes. "Mayu...Kyoyo! When did you guys get back?"

"I smelled him," Mayu bluntly answered, never taking her eyes off the man beneath her.

"And I followed her here to make sure that she doesn't cause anymore trouble." Kyoyo explained, remembering all the trouble her pink-headed friend caused while she and Reina was gone.

The newbie vampire dramatically laughed at this with her palm several inches apart from her mouth. "As if you could stop me!" She pointed out and scowled at her from the corner of her eye.

Seiji stood up from the ground and dusted off his shirt and trousers. "Kyoyo-san and Mayu-san, you ladies look well." He casually said with his arms crossed behind his back now. "I take it, none of you were informed about me coming here either?" He exhaustively sighed.

Yui spoke out sarcastically, "Adopted daughter goes into a state of shock... What was your clue?" She questioned, arched a scoped brow.

"You're angered with me."

"You said that already." She rashly pointed out.

When Seiji realized that he was being cut off once more he took another risk by stepping towards his daughter and pressed the palm of his hand against a flustered cheek. This time she didn't shove his hand nor move away.

"I had no idea that I was sending you here to live with vampires. When I got a call receiving information about your real parents, I put my feelings to the side and decided to let you go live here -only because I thought it would be best for you. Sadly, I lived everyday in regret wishing I never done that. After awhile, I knew that I didn't deserve you or your forgiveness."

Right then and there, Seiji eyes swelled up with tears. "Look at you... you look really beautiful." He commented with a watery smile.

Suddenly a fist came clashing against the side of Seiji's face and knocked him back down on the ground. A furious redhead winded his shoulder and put his fists back up in position, as he prepared to knock the old man out again. "Keep your filthy paws off Yours Truly's property!"

"AYATO!" Yui shouted before she kneels down to help her father back up. "I am not your property! Why did you do that?"

The groom blinked at her three times with a gaped mouth. "WHY? He had his disgusting hands all over you, that's why!" Afterwards, Ayato clicked his tongue when turning away from her. "We haven't even married and already you're in the arms of another man! What a disgrace."

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