Chapter 27: Let's Talk

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The furious auburn-headed vampire, through an unwelcoming tantrum shortly after he entered his home his pregnant fiancée standing there; looking horrified. He recklessly threw a vase full of roses at the tall radiant man standing in front of the grand staircase with a smitten expression and his hand propped over the hip. To Ayato dismay, the vase few several inches pass the unwanted visitor and smashed into the steps behind him. The moment the redhead caught sight of his father, he became completely unsettled and lost composure.

"Damn I missed," Ayato gritted through his teeth and snapped his fingers.

Karlheinz didn't bother budge or blink from the position he was standing. Instead he just stared at the couple in front of him and shook his head at his son. "Tsk-tsk, it's not nice to throw things at your father, Ayato... especially things that don't belong to you. I'm not very pleased by your performance either."

"Tch, father my ass! You got a lot of nerve showing yourself to me!" He yelled, clenching his fist now. "Where were you when THAT BASTARD RICHTER, tried to take over our family and attain the throne? Most importantly, where were you when THAT BITCH possessed my fiancée? I almost DIED trying to protect the woman I love... and YOU were nowhere in sight to protect your family!"

An impressive smile formed on Karl's face after hearing his son rant. Then he clapped his hands together as if he was influence by the statement. "Out of all my sons, you improve the most, Ayato." He announced before gazing over at the blond vampire holding Ayato's arm. "Of course, I have you to thank for that, Yui Komori. You truly make a fine Eve indeed."

Yui awkwardly smiled and blushed. "Um...I guess you can say that. It's really nice to meet you Sakamaki-san," she bashfully muttered while bowing her head down.

"Likewise my dear," he cheerfully responded.

Ayato immediately pulled her behind him, becoming very protective all of a sudden. "If there's nothing more to say to me, I'll be taking my fiancée up to our room now." He took her hand and entwined their fingers. Shortly after, he stalked pass his father with Yui dragging closely behind.

"Eh...Ayato," Karl called out, facing forward. "There are a few things I need to have a word with you about... privately."

Straightway, he stopped walking and glanced over his shoulder at him. "Yui, go upstairs, I'll be up there shortly."

"Um... okay." She said, taking a glimpse at her future father-in-law before carrying on up the stairs.

He stared daggers through his father's spine until Yui was out of sight. "What is this urgent matter you need to speak to me about?"

Karl sighed when turning around to beam at his son. "Did I say it was urgent? I don't remember telling you anything of a sort. You must've heard me wrong. You always get the wrong impression."

"Oi, does it matter if I heard you correctly or not?! Every word that comes out of your mouth is a problem to me," he bluntly spoke. "Why are you here anyway... instead of out there feeding pathetic human lives your immaterial garbage?"

Karl's eyebrow twitched for a mere second. Ayato always knew how to rub him the wrong way. "I'm going to let that one slide, because you're obviously upset with me about something I had no control over."

Ayato fist trembled as he balled them tightly.


"Now let's get back to the real reason I'm here." His father continued to speak. "Not long from now, you'll become a married man, my son –"

"Don't you think I know that?" The redhead spat.

Karl glared at him for speaking out of tone. "Your arrogance will get you nowhere if you keep interrupting me!"

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