1- Emma

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« Emma » My mother was yelling my name from downstairs, she was becoming very impatient and stressed out as and when the time went by.

From my room at the first floor, I was able to imagine her, pacing up and down with her high heels and sharp black dress, looking very done up, from the hallway to the stairs. Staring at the top of the stairs to see if I was finally on my way, checking on her expensive watch.

« I'm almost ready mum, give me a minute » I yelled back, rolling my eyes as I was finishing to curl my hair.

She was pressuring me, us, too much.

She was making such a big deal of tonight event.

To make her happy, I did my best to look as girly as I could. Usually I liked to wear comfy clothes, but since we were invited at the Styles' house tonight, I had to make an exception and get all dressed-up.

Adjusting my make-up and hair for the last time, I took a last look in the mirror against the wall, at my outfit, studying myself from head to toe. I was wearing a white sharp dress fitting my curves perfectly, showing some cleavage but not too much to not look vulgar. My hair was styled in a wavy way that I loved, styling my long black straight hair with waves was my favorite hairstyle, it just helped me to look sophisticated with not that much. I also had a manicure to please her, so it was obvious that I'd made a huge effort.

But I felt like it wasn't good enough, so I added a gold necklace, to cheer my face up. It was one that my father offered me when I was younger, and it was fitting perfectly with my discrete gold earrings.

When I was finally done up, and definitely in time, I could hear my mother sighing of relief when she heard that I closed my bedroom door.

Walking down the stairs carefully, as I was wearing 8 centimeters beige high heels, that I wasn't used to, she was scrutinizing me from head to toe. "Coming" I warned her, hearing the noise of her heels on the wooden floor.

"Emma, honey, you look, fabulous" she exclaimed, with a very large grin on her face. She was obviously very happy that I'd made an effort. Worst, I thought she was kind of proud of me, looking that feminine. She was always telling me to make more effort on my everyday fashion look, that I looked to casual, but it simply wasn't my thing. So when I do what she asks, she's happy.

"Thanks mum" I answered to her compliment and kissed her cheek briefly, avoiding to ruin the gloss on my lips, as she patted my lower back.

My mother and I looked like the same. We look alike, if there wasn't the age difference, we could be doppelganger. Well, except the style. It wasn't rare that people thought she was my big sister, and she enjoyed it.

We're both tall, with long black straight hair, dark eyes, tan skin...

There wasn't a father on the picture, he had run away and left us few years ago. He forgot to say goodbye, but didn't forget to take the savings with him. We hadn't heard from him since he took off, and it was probably better that way.

Taking my sparkling sequins clutch under my arm, we both made our way to the door, before turning off the light and closing the front door of our house.

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