15- Pink pill

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"Look who had a sleepover" Hannah exhaled, when I approached our tent the next morning. She had a ridiculous smile on her face, showing me she wanted to know everything that happened, and why I didn't come by.

That was my luck! I thought they would be still sleeping, it was still pretty early in the morning, and they went to bed pretty late... But no, they were all awake, and were eating what we would call breakfast. Obviously, I became the center of attention, because I didn't sleep in my tent last night, and they all looked at me, curious.

Hannah kept smiling, and pleading me to talk to her. She was making it such a big deal.

I noticed how the guys looked at me. They smiled softly, curious, and wanted to know as well where I was. They appreciated that I was free and reckless sometimes, how I had fun, but they also could become very protective and all when it came to guys, and potential jerks.

"Among everything, I need a coffee" I snapped, and sighed, as I sat between her and Niall. Rubbing my eyes, like a little baby. It felt like I didn't sleep at all, I was exhausted, and looked like hell. Moreover, knowing how the day would be busy was killing me in advance, and made me grumpy.

Taking a sip of my coffee, humming the smell, I felt much better immediately, and started to eat everything came into view, I was starving as well.

Niall kept providing me with food, and chuckled. Resting my head on his shoulder, as I ate.

"What the heck did you do to be so tired?" he finally asked, and I blushed.

Did he realize what he asked?

Everyone started to laugh, when they heard Niall's question, except Harry and Kendall, god knew why.

"You're curious Nialler" I teased, and giggled.

"It must have been intense sex" Louis added, and Lottie nudged his arm, raising her eyebrows telling me to shut up.

And they were having fun, mocking me...

"Oh you guys shut up"

"Oh god, I'm sorry Emma" Niall ran his hand in his hair, realizing what he achieved, a big smile on his face.

"It's fine" I laughed again, and shut my eyes, they hurt, like they were fucking dry.

I noticed how Harry looked at me, but I didn't care, he was the one to want me as a friend, so I had the right to move on, and live my life. Niall exposed me, but it felt good though, that he was a bit bothered, he knew what it felt like now.


"Tell me everything" Hannah said, coming into the tent, and zipping it closed behind her.

I was now laying on my bed, which was an air mattress and a cover, and was about to sleep. My head was resting on the pillow and I'd just shut my eyes. Grrrr.

"I need sleep babe" I yawned, and grumbled, turning myself to look at her. Pleading her to leave me alone, at least for a few hours. But she couldn't resist the urge to know everything, so she sat by my side, staring at me with puppy eyes.

"Okay for not the whole story, but you can give me a little summery" she wiggled her eyebrows playfully. I couldn't believe her... she was damn curious... She was sitting and, waiting...

"Fine", I gave in, and sighed, as I turned around to face her. She laid down on her bed, making herself comfy, like she was watching a movie, or listening the greatest story, and looked at me carefully, ready to hang on my every word. The only thing missing was popcorn!

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