3- Harry

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new chapter up! Hope you guys gonna like it. Please let me know what you think. Next update this weekend.

i can't breathe if i look at this photo... Serioulsy, is it possible to be that HOT?!


And when Kendall kissed Harry's cheek, with full lips, my glass dropped on the wooden floor, exploding in a million of pieces, making everyone in the room to look at me.

In a matter of seconds, I went back to where I was last summer. Immediately, I felt all the same pain inside, that I thought I'd healed successfully, coming back times thousand.

Seeing Harry, plus with a girl, his girlfriend, as gorgeous as Kendall Jenner, made every feeling I kept buried inside of me, came out on the surface, instantly. My hands started to shake, and my breath started to spasm.

"Honey, are you okay?" Anne asked, as she rushed to me, kneeling down to pick the pieces of glass all over the wooden floor. She looked actually concerned, but I couldn't focus, I felt dizzy and was trying to stare into space as I was trying to avoid his glare.

Was is that obvious that it wasn't my clumsiness which made me drop my drink? She must know how I feel unsteady when Harry's around. She must have heard what happened between us. Everyone close knew.

"I'm so sorry, Anne" I apologized proficiently. I knew how much the glass cost, well not the amount, but for sure it was expensive, if I was right it was crystal. And to cap it all, I stained my white dress.


Harry was looking at me, confused, narrowing his eyebrows, not knowing what to do in all that confusion, with Kendall gripped at his arm, enjoying what was happening. A soft smile was stuck on her lips; honestly, I could punch her right in the face to make this fucking smile disappear.

Not being able to bear with what was playing in front of me, I kneeled down as well and started to help to pick and clean the mess I'd made. I couldn't stay there doing nothing, with all those eyes staring at me. It was stressing me out, and I had to occupy myself.

After a good five minutes, it felt like it lasted much more, the party started again, and the people went about their business, forgetting about Emma's attraction.

When everything was cleaned up, I noticed that Harry started to step away from Kendall, so I stood up hastily and made my way through the crowd and headed to the first floor, as fast as possible, so he'd lose sight of me, to find a bathroom, letting Niall going back to the guys in the yard at the back of the house. He knew I needed some time, alone.

As I came in this house a thousand of times, I knew it by heart, the queue would be too long if I went downstairs, so I decided to go upstairs, it'd be more quiet there.

Shutting down the bathroom door behind me, I turned the faucet letting the water started to flow, I pressed the soap on the sill of the grey marble bathroom sink and started to scrub where the stain was with a clean towel took in the little white cabinet below the sink.

Hopefully, the stain was vanishing pretty easily and I was relieved that I won't look like stupid all night with a stain on my white dress. It wasn't very clever of me to wear a white outfit, at a fancy party. It looked good on my tan skin, but I should have known that It'd be hard to contain my emotions... I should have known better that I wasn't over it, that the scars weren't healed completely yet. We had forgiven each other, but it was easier to get over it from a distance between us. I hadn't seen him since, and now I had to get my shit altogether, because I didn't want to ruin my friendship with him. It was like the summer of the last chance.

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