7- Sponge Bob

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"Look who's here" Louis greeted me with a tight hug, patting my back gently, as I stepped into the kitchen where he was taking something to eat from the fridge.

"Hi Lou" I answered and smiled back at him as we broke from the hug. His smile made me feel better instantly. Maybe this day wouldn't be all crap after all. The guys didn't even know I was in a relationship in the first place, and I'd never be the whining girl talking about her broken heart with them, so I kept it to myself, and put my poker face on.

Then he went back to what he was doing, trying to make himself a sandwich. He tilted his head in my direction, and was now glancing at me with puppy eyes.

"What?" I asked, bluntly. Did I have something on my face or what?

He smiled like an idiot and just asked "Would you mind doing it for me?"

"Your sandwich?" I asked, shocked, and he nodded, amused by my reaction.

"Oh you little lazybones. You know it's 2016!" I snapped, as I came over the kitchen aisle, and dropped my bag on the tile floor.

He was so happy to win this, at the way he was smiling like an idiot. "You didn't win an award Louis, I'm just making you a sandwich". And we both chuckled. "It'd be better if you make it" he added. "Oh spare me the shit, Lou!" I retorted, applying some mustard on the bread...

Then I put some on my forefinger and spread it out on Louis' cheek, saying "Can't believe you're a father..." and rolled my eyes.

"And you're the child" he teased. We both chuckled. We were such kids. "Okay, come here, I'll remove it" and then lick it with the tip of my tongue "Awww, Gross..." he exclaimed and we burst into laughter.

That being done.

He was wearing his Rayban's on his nose, even in the house, hiding his incredible blue eyes, was bare chest showing his tattoos and a black pair of swim shorts, barefoot.

Actually, all the guys looked like the same, except the color of their shorts.

They looked incredibly hot, to be honest... But you knew that already. God bless the sunny weather!

Louis and I crossed the huge yard to meet the guys by the pool. This day was absolutely beautiful, it was warm, and there was no cloud at all in the sky.

Niall was laying on a long chair under a parasol and Liam was in the pool with Harry,

And well, Louis was with me, taking a bite at his sandwich.

I sat next to Niall, on the long chair by his, and said Hi. Then, I shoved my hand to Liam and Harry in the pool.

"Hey Emma" they said in unison. "Where have you been" Liam asked, I was kind of late.

"Busy licking my cheek" Louis answered for me, and Liam eyebrows narrowed in confusion. He didn't dig though, because he knew it was pointless when it comes to Louis and I... I couldn't help the smile on my face remembering Louis' grimace. Priceless.

They were both swimming and doing what guys do in the pool. Playing some kind of a game with a ball, and giggling, then trying to sink each other.

Well, guys stuff.

Laying down, I got rid of my clothes, and put them in my bag that I threw on the grass. I was wearing my swimsuit under my outfit, so I didn't need to change. I was wearing a two pieces' pink swimsuit that I liked a lot. It was a regular one, with two triangles of tissue for the top.

Niall and Louis joined the guys in the pool, and I followed them. It felt great to enjoy the cool of the water, contrasting the heat wave.

But I wouldn't complain, summer was blessing England for once.

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