12- Friends

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Hi guys! Thank you for reading. This is an important chapter, I think. So I truly hope that you're gonna like it. How could Harry be hot, even when you just see the back of his head? lol.

After leaving Harry's house, I didn't have the mood to go home yet. It was still early, so I decided to go to my favorite spot nearby and relax.

Remember when I told you I'd prefer have sex with a friend with benefit over a one-night stand because I'd feel better. Now it was like I felt as disgust of myself as if Zayn was a total stranger. Because after what he'd done, he truly wasn't someone that I could trust, who could give me some security without suffocating or having a commitment attack.

I had some time ahead of me before the concert tonight.

There was a place, at some kind of countryside, which wasn't far from Harry's house, it was above a little river, and truly lovely.

I used to go there often. When we were young, Harry and I kept playing there, running after each other, with Gemma. There's also the tree on which we engraved E+H = Forever, when we were eight. How ironic isn't it? Teenagers, we spent a lot of time there just to mess around, it was a good place to hide from the parents if you wanted to kiss someone for a while... And, Harry kept taking picture there, because of the beauty of the nature.

It's the spot where I came, when things went bad and felt sad. The quietness helped a lot to clear my head and recharging my batteries.

At the thought of all the memories, good or bad, I couldn't help the smile growing on my face.

There was a light hill, from where you could see the whole town. The day you could enjoy the sight of the sun reflecting on the surface of the river, and the night you would be blessed by the moonshine reverberation. It was very beautiful, and peaceful.

Sitting on the grass, I rolled myself a joint with the weed that Louis gave me earlier, at our encounter in Harry's driveway. Smoking a little, the silent and the relaxing place would help a lot to clear my mind, and chill.

After taking one long drag, I took the piece of paper from my pocket and I couldn't stop staring at what I had in my hands, I had the money, for college.

That meant so much to me.

I'd always been good at school. That was my thing, Gemma was very sociable, and Harry very talented. So, the fact that I had to drop college because of the money was the worst thing that could happen to me. Besides, when they all started to do something with their lives.

My parents saved money when I was younger. But when my father left, I was almost fourteen, he just flew away, and abandoned us. He didn't provide anything for his wife and daughter. My mother was alone to take care of me, of us, and I couldn't hide the bitterness I felt, because I knew she didn't make that much effort for me, either.

I grew up in a shitty family; My parents kept arguing, since I was a little girl, and my father became a drunk. They kept fighting all the time and I remembered myself, being scared and locked in my room. My father was a good man before that. For as far I could remember, he was a good dad, but he wasn't happy with my mother. She was expecting more from him, a better way of life... She put too much pressure on him, like she tried to do with me. He just couldn't bear with her anymore.

It wasn't a reason to start drinking though, or leaving like he did, without turning back.

Harry's house was by mine, and it was my safety place. I used to escape by going to his house as much as needed. He was so protective towards me when we were young, it was very cute. He always played the big brother.

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