19- Think

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"Aspirin? " Niall offered, handing me an orange bottle, full of painkillers, when I sat on the chair, around the table. They were all playing cards. "What the hell, what time is it?" I asked, confused, my eyes burned because of the too bright light. "It's 2 PM love" Liam chuckled.

"How are you even awake yet?" I raised an eyebrow at Louis, dumbstruck, who was feeling absolutely fine. "Because I'm used to have short nights" He answered, smiling. "Jesus, what did we do, how much did I drink?" I was staring at the steaming coffee cup, that Niall kindly brought me. How sweet he was to take care of me. "I stopped counting" Louis teased, as I brought my knees to my chest. "Fuck! " I frowned, taking a sip of the hot coffee, and they all giggled.

"You're so wild" he patted my shoulder, after getting up to go get his packet of cigarettes. "Please, tell me I hadn't done anything embarrassing." I pleaded, my face in my hands. "Nope, I wouldn't have let you, or I'd have recorded it to blackmail you" he said in a playful tone. "But you had the time of your life." He added, and I sighed smiling. " Good that I don't remember it" I let out a laugh, and they joined me.

Thanks to another coffee cup, I succeeded in waking up, eventually, and got ready to go to the beach this afternoon with the guys. Harry kept coming back and forth, having phonecalls and seemed pissed, and angry. Which was odd, because he didn't share anything with anyone about what was making him look on edge like that. So I wondered if, maybe, things weren't getting along with Kendall... Even if I should be satisfied, because I thought they didn't belong together, it was affecting me that he was so disturbed. The fact that it was affecting him that much made me feel bad for him.

On the contrary, things went well for me, and Ryan kept texting me nice messages, and I thought we would move passed the Harry thing easily, which was reassuring me, and made me feel happy. For once, I was hoping that my relationship would work.

"Where have you been?" I asked Harry, who, finally joined us at the beach. The guys were swimming in the sea, and I was resting on a mattress.

Sitting on the mattress next to mine, he said "I had something to deal with" he said with raspy voice, his elbows settle on his knees. He was wearing a swim pair of shorts. "You know you can tell me everything" I told him, putting my sunglasses as a headband. It was important to know that no matter how things went for us, I'd always be there for him. "It's not a big deal" he lied, and gave me a fake smile. As he didn't want to tell me anything, I respected it and decided to leave him alone. "Good" I reassured him.

The day went by, and it was party time already. The rest of the afternoon went well, and Harry's mood was getting better.

Tonight we had planned to go to Café Mambo for diner, and Steve Aoki would perform. It was on the opposite side of the island, and it was known for its incredible sunset, so we were looking forward to it.

We all ate at the restaurant and drank, witnessing the beautiful colors changing in the sky. "Ouch" Niall whined about his sunburned shoulders. "I told you to put more sunscreen" I smiled, I liked playing the I told you so card, because he didn't listen to me, and now he was regretting it. "Whatever" he retorted, his hands trying to ease the pain. Someone was grumpy...

The night was great, and the sunset fame wasn't a lie. There was a lot of people packed on the beach, to just watch the beauty, of the sun going down, before partying. It was truly breathtaking. The restaurant wasn't a big place, but it was known enough for famous DJ's to come to play live. It was funny how much closeness there was between the DJ and the crowd, people were very close.

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