8- here we go

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The guys drove me home, on their way to Harry's house, and I felt exhausted, so I remained slumped on the backseat during the drive, not saying anything. No one talked, we all kept quiet, a heavy silence filling the car.

It was like the whole energy I had in my body had been drained. After the fight, I took Harry's hand in charge and put some ice on it. As I wanted to become a doctor someday, I was able to take care of his injured hand quickly and easily. It didn't seem broken, and it would be painful for a few days, so it was a relief.

But I felt terrible.

I felt terrible because Harry lost control over something foolish, and he could have been hurt, or get himself into trouble.

Zach had always been a jerk, a dork, dumbass etc... the list of names could be very long and we'd spend the night here... I think you get the point.

We went to high school with him, and Harry should have known that he was just a loser.

He always hits on me when he comes to the pub, and he had never been that threatening, I'd handled it every time, so it'd have been the same tonight.

Harry has his temper, I knew that. Most people think he's such a sweetheart, because they don't know this side of him, but you seriously don't want to mess with him. He's mostly calm, but if you keep bugging him... You won't do it twice.

However, I'd never seen him being angry to easily, and so fast. Besides, I could get into trouble with my boss. He hated that people fought into his pub, because he didn't want to have a bad reputation.

Okay, sometimes Harry plays the over protective brother with me. That dickhead of Zach could press charges, for revenge, because now that Harry was famous, it would make the headlines in a matter of seconds... and he would enjoy it for sure.


Saying my goodbyes to the guys, I entered my house lazily, and headed to my room.

After removing my make-up and taking a quick shower, I got ready to bed, pulling on my white tank top and grey cotton pair of shorts, as my pajamas, before slipping myself under the covers. Letting the hot sparkling water running over my tensed body helped a lot.

It felt extremely relaxing to lay down on my mattress. Overstretching my arm, I turned off the lights from the lamp set on the nightstand and tried to find some sleep.

But I couldn't sleep.

My eyes remained opened, and I just stared at the window, enjoying the dim light coming from the moonshine, and the light breeze blowing slightly through the light curtain.

That's the worse, when you're exhausted, but can't find sleep...

Vicious circle. I kept replaying the whole scene for too long. And it was still stressing me out.

To be honest, something deep down inside me was telling me that, maybe, Harry was kind of jealous. First, he was dating his super model Kendall, and she was there, in his very own home. But the fact that he came to sleep with me... I don't know.

It'd be stupid to think so. There was no reason. He was probably just drunk and got mad.

For my own sanity I shouldn't overthinking this.

Finally, I ended up falling asleep of exhaustion. I couldn't stay awake at a point, and thankfully I rested a bit. Those three weeks would be crazy at work because of the UEFA EURO, there will be a lot of games, and customers, all day long, because the pub played every single game.

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