Paint The Room Red

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[Yandere!Harry/Red guy X reader]

This takes place during the events of Dhmis 5


You always felt like you were being watched in this house but you thought it was one of the many items in the house. But no matter how hard you tried you just couldn't shake the feeling. You had lived here when Your friends bought the house, They were strange but that's what you loved about them. Their names were Manny, Robin and your kinda friends Harry and...Roy?......

Manny was a young boy with yellow skin, A blue mohawk and dungarees with the same shade of blue. He was a sweet boy and regularly, he would beg for you to play with him or wanted you to get something for him. This happened often. The next was Robin, He had green hair and wore a brown overcoat and striped pants, similar to that of a bird. He was around Manny's height but he was pretty old, You never asked but he was pretty fun to be around none the less and he told you used to be a soldier which was probably a lie. Then their was Harry, A tall man which bright red hair which just fell over his face only making one of his eyes visible threw his long, unholy mess of hair. He was extremely quiet and would try start up a conversation. It was awkward since you planned on avoiding him since something was. Off. But you couldn't tell what. Oh, and their was Roy. He was.....interesting.

You were currently sitting at the kitchen table, Dozing off while manny and Robin stared off into the distance as if something was going on, Harry. well. He had left the house, you weren't sure why but after your last teacher, A computer he had just left. You were glad about this but you felt as if something was off and it wasn't harry. "Guys, Don't do anything whilst I'm gone. I'll be in the bathroom" You sighed as you walked up the stairs passing a room with Roy on the computer looking doesn't need to be said. You continued up the stairs thinking about Harry. Why would he have left in the first place. It's not like something bad could happen after. Soon you had finished your business and heard screaming downstairs. You went wide eyed. Another teacher? Really? You went downstairs, almost falling but you luckily saved yourself by holding onto the railing. You rushed into the kitchen seeing A can and a Giant lamb chop singing in union with a tin can. You made a weirded out face before noticing that Robin was gone. You walked in looking back and forth before noticing the singing fridge and weird bread tapping on a few jars before pulling on Manny's arm. "Manny where's Ro-" you went wide eyed. You noticed a few cans with Robin's face on it that Manny was innocently eating making you stare in horror as Manny gave you as questionable look. "M-manny let's just.... put the food away" you said nervously biting you lip until Manny was.......growling? Then he bit darted back covering your wrist as blood began to lightly spill down your arms. What had these things done to him. You then left the room in fear Manny would do something else. That was when you heard a knock on the door and as if time stood still, you opened the door seeing Harry staring at you with a creepy look. "H-Harry?" You stuttered still terrafied of what scene of the kitchen had scarred you.

"(Y/N)......I thought you'd be dead....oh well....wanna go out?"

Okay. This was not the time. "N-No harry. Look Manny is in the kitchen eating Robin....and.......and" you then began to repeat the word and tears streaming down your face as you then looked at looked down at your feet but stopped after seeing what was in Harry 's hand. Was that. A brick? He then took a step in. "Why not?" He asked in his once, continuing to be as calm as he always would be around you and the others. You then took a step away and continued till you fell into the stairs behind you. Harry just watched and locked the door which once he turned around you were running up the stairs and you were in the bathroom hiding in the shower. You were crotched down on the ground so he couldn't see you three the shower curtain as you slowly cried. What was wrong with everyone. No one should have acted like this. Maybe they had found Harry first and done the same thing to him. A million thoughts flushed into your brain along with your mixed feelings of anger, sadness, confusion, etc.

Soon enough you heard the bathroom door open and shut. You heard a click, indicating it was now locked. Then a red hand pulled back the show curtain and looked down at you. "Its not that easy to get away from me you know. I've waited to long for this and now I've given you enough time. I've learned alot from that clock because I've realized that if I don't get you now. When will I?" He said before hitting you with the brick in his hand. Everything went blank.

Soon after. You woke up. You stared at the walls. Blood was smeared here and there before you realized. It was your blood and you were tied to what seemed like a pole. Your legs were free but not your hands as you sat down and began to softly cry to yourself.

"I painted the room red"

You heard a voice speak behind you as the one and only Harry turned around and looked at you smiling crazily, for once you noticed emotion in his eyes, it was Lust, insanity but most of all, Red and now you'd be seeing it forever


A/N: Please keep in mind this was my first yandere and I hope to improve them as I go on!

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