Creative Type

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[Yandere! Paige the Notepad X reader]
This occurs after dhmis 1 and before dhmis 2
Also this story is left fit interpretation, if you don't like Paige as a female, just use your creativity and imagine him as a guy ':>


You sat by yourself in the kitchen thinking to yourself. You had so many ideas but you just couldn't decide on one. To be honest, you were out when Manny, Harry and Robin had discovered the crazy notepad. They warned you to try avoid her but really you had no idea what she could do and it was far worse than tour greatest fear. You sat looking down at your drawing pad biting the end of your pencil. You decided to draw a picture of You and with your friends. You wiped out your phone and looked threw you pictures do you could have a reference for your friends because let's face it, you couldn't keep the trio still for one second, they always wanted to go somewhere or where watching TV. Also you didn't want to scare them any more, I mean. Your using a notepad to draw in and they had just been terrarized by one. Your no sicko. You began to sketch the group, getting all details you could and you were doing extremely well. This was gonna be a great drawing, maybe even your best if you didn't say so yourself. You soon finished the basic sketch and put your notepad on the table to go find your pens, yes pens where quite hard to colour with but you got a mark In rendering from your technical Teacher. Meme rotors of school flooded your mind and you smiled. That was great times back then. Great times. You laughed as you made your way down the stairs. The Trio's room were in the attic and since their wasn't enough space their someone had to go in the basement, Harry didn't trust Manny down their, The same for Robin and Harry didn't think you could handle watching over the three so you were the one sleeping down their. It could get cold at times but in the winter it was pretty warm. You smiled to yourself and soon went threw your drawers funding your pens and carrying them back up the stairs. You headed back to the kitchen and your notepad was gone. "What the-" you looked around before hearing laughing and looked up to see a lady, she had A variety of colours in her hair and her dress was littered in patterns of various sketches you had already done when you were little, mind agian. You had this notepad for a while then lost it and it just reappeared the other day.

"You seem creative"

She giggled after the words where spoken making you back up slightly in fear. "Um......I guess?" You said, unsure of yourself as you raises an eyebrow at her. "I'm paige, Would you like to draw with me?" She smiled. You shrugged. "Sure I guess" but the one thing you couldn't shrug off was that smile. It just seemed off to you. Maybe it was because you had just met her and you had always been pretty skeptical of others but. It was just done thing felt off. You pushed the thought to the back of your head and sat down as she did beside you and handed you your drawing. "Why ' you have this?" You asked. "Oh well I found it on the floor" she replied. Still. Something was off. Definetly off. You once agian tried to ignore the feeling. You then began to render it, getting pretty good with the details and the shading. After about half an hour. You were done. You looked at paige's drawing and we'll. It was pretty good but not that good but then agian. It was your opinion and you were pretty good at drawing do maybe she just didn't draw up to your standeds? Oh well. You got up and told her to stay here as you went to show the guys. You walked in the room and smiled at the guys and showed all of them individually. They all complemented it saying they should frame it, of course you were now a blushing mess. "Guys come on, I'm not that good" you laughed putting it on the table as Manny shook is jead "Your the best artist ever, ever EVER!" Manny always exaggerated your drawing skills. Then agian he WAS still a child. "Well she may not be the best artist ever but certainly out of us four" Harry said and Robin nodded in agreement.

You laughed and walked back to the kitchen, it was still morning and you were pretty hungry so, why not get s snack? You went back to find paige flipping threw a notepad and you went to the fridge, grabbing a yogurt or whatever you want and we're and out to eat it before noticing that it was your notepad. "Hey why do you have my notepad" you said staring and out her. She looked with a grin.

"My my I was right you do seem creative"

She once agian giggled smiling like the first time you met her. You quickly picked up your pens and snatched the Notepad away from the Girl. You quickly made your way down to the basement putting your things away quickly. You then turned to the basement stairs and at the top of the stairs, was the girl staring down at the you. Her eyes seemed to glow and send off alarms in your head. Why didn't you listen to them sooner, why. Godddamit why. You watched as dhe made her way down down as if time itself stayed still. You behan to hyperventilate looking around. Think (Y/n) think.

"(Y/n), stop looking around its hopeless~" she sang skipping towards you. You went wide eyed. You never told her your name. "I've never til you my name" you managed to mutter out as Paige brought you into into a hug as she's whispered into your ear. "I always knew you were the creative type" you then felt felts burst of rage grow threw your body. You were not gonna lose to some girl you just met and you took s deep breathe before you kicked her In the stomach and made her fall to the ground. You took the chance to run, making sure you stepped on her stomach to keep get down for another time. You ran up the stairs looking back when you were at the top. She was right behind you.

"Oh come on (Y/n), Let's get creative~" she sang and you pushed her down the stairs watching her fall to the bottom. You then locked the door ignoring the banging. You had to tell everyone their was a crazy woman in your room and youd probably be sleeping on the couch for a while.

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