Count to three [Request]

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A/n; Hello everyone, Sorry about worrying you about the whole thing. I've been on offline to try keep my mind from it and would also like people to maybe not being it up? I understand you want me to be okay but i've become uncomfortable about the topic, thank you for the support and it's also because I'm back at school. But anyway,here's the sequel for Tony the Talking Clock, it was requested. Sorry about it being so short.


You sat on the cold basement floor. It was dark and damp. You had no idea how long you had been here. Only time would tell but you gated that cursed thing now. Ever since Tony had showed you how much he loved you. You couldn't even stand the ticking of a clock now. It's just not okay anymore. The tick of it would remind you that you had lost one second. Sometimes you wonder what would happen if you fought back but something stopped you. There it was agian. Footsteps. In time with each other,then the ticking.  Oh not the ticking. You stopped and covered your ears staring down at the floor trying to sink into it.

"Ah, (Y/n) my darling"
A voice cooed as you closed your eyes. Not agian.  Oh god no. He picked you up and turned you around. "Open your eyes" he sang in a merry tune. That sick merry tune he had sung a thousand times, you just can't cope and you are not opening your eyes if he's there,Never agian. "Open them" he growled, You bite your lip."Open your BLOODY EYES NOW" He yelled at you and in a mistaken moment of courage you defied him.

"N-No" you stuttered. You could hear silence for what seemed like a moment but still the grip of him. He then began to chuckle, the chuckle then became a loud and echoing laughter, yet you kept your eyes closed. He then gripped your neck. He pushed you against the wall. "If you don't open your eyes when I count to 3, your going to run out of time" he said,yet you kept your eyed closed, Sure this may hurt but it could be a good way out.


You took a deep breathe


Are you sure you want to do this?


Its your choice now, not mine

A/n: you get to decide the ending, that and I'm lazy but you can request an Edington at some point

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