It's Rude to stare

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[ Yandere! Robin X reader]
This happens before the events of Dhmis 3 and after they were let go by the kidnappers (you were stuck with Tony since you weren't kidnapped)

You were sitting in the main room, listening to Tony rant on about how other teachers and the "Students" about how they wasted time. You honestly didn't care but you listened. You were to kind hearted to say no. This was the thing with you. You couldn't say no. You couldn't say no to anyone, everyone came to you for things like to ask for other things. You sighed to yourself. The others were kidnapped a few weeks back and had gotten back a few days ago. They seemed different but soon adjusted. Well. Everyone except for Robin. He was just different. You remember him as being a talkative and happy person but he wasn't being a talkative or happy person. This upset you greatly. Why was he acting like this? You may never actually no. Or, do you thought.

You continued to listen to the clocks ranting for what seemed like he himself was wasting your own time. You then got up smiling at him. "If you excuse me Mr. Tony I would like to get something to eat if that's alright" he spoke smiling at him. The clock nodded. "Of course (Y/n) I shouldn't keep a young (Lady/Gentlemen) like yourself waiting now should I" he said smiling charmingly at you. You of course smiled back and nodded thanking him but threw out this scene. You felt eyes burning into the back of your head making you shiver. It was probably going to be another stupid teacher that would come to life and start singing about something that you already knew about. After all, it's not like they will pester you forever......hopefully....

You made you way into the kitchen thinking to yourself and humming a song as you looked threw the fridge as you continued to hum the sweet melody. You then stopped. You felt the eyes agian. You looked around, no one was there until you looked at the window making you jump. Robin was just watching you.....He had his hands against the window along with his face being pressed against it. You could even see the mark that his breathing left on the window. You lifter a brow at him. "Maybe he wants to get in?" You muttered to you self before making your way to the back door and opening it. But then he wasn't by the window making you even more confused. How was he just gone? You could tell it wasn't a hallucination because the breathing and hand prints where there. You sighed before making your way around the house and now. The door was closed. You once agian lifted an eyebrow before going around the front of the house and knocking on the door. "Hello?" You called out peering in the small peek hole in the door hoping to see someone but you jumped back suddenly as an eye cane into view making you squeal. You then decided to walk to the window and attempt to knock on the window but after that you just seen Robin staring at you with the same position on the kitchen window. You went around the whole house trying to do this but all you seen was Robin watching you with a creepy, Unnatural stare with no emotion.

You eventually summoned some courage. "Robin, could you Please let me in" but after that the green - haired male pulled a creepy grin making you go eye wide and he just continued to watch you. You then went back to the living room seeing Harry on his chair as Robin came in and looked out the window once again grinning creepily at you before knocking on the window which got Harry 's attention before you heard him yell for Manny to get the door.

You went around the front and waited for Manny who after a couple of seconds, opened the door but he wasn't alone, towering behind him was Robin, who continued to stare and you stared back at you. Manny must have not noticed him before Manny looked up at him and screamed falling forward and luckily you caught him. "Be more careful, okay Manny?" You said before he nodded. "Okay but Robin scared me" he said but when you looked up Robin was gone. You shook your head and helped him up walking inside closing the door after you before entering the living room once again. You sat down and looked up. Robin was in his chair once again silently watching you.

At this point you'd had enough of the staring. "Its rude to stare" you commented making him smile to himself and tilt his head. "Oh Is it?" He asked in an unsettling tone which not only you noticed since Manny looked up at Harry who looked back then the two looked at you and you nodded. Something was definitely wrong with Robin.

You got up and walked away before Manny announce he was going to play upstairs as Harry followed after saying he'd keep an eye on him whilst Robin continued to watch with his cold unmoving eyes. You headed to your shared room with the trio and looked at them. "Somethings wrong with Robin" Harry said sitting on his bed and Manny nodded in agreement. "He watched me when I was in the kitchen and I went around the house trying to find someone to let me in. when I asked him, he just wouldn't respond" you told them. "That's creepy" manny commented. "You think one of the teachers done something to him?" The red - haired male asked. You shook your head. "No. Tony and paige are insane but don't teach like that remember" you commented. Manny nodded. "And he watched Me open the door for (Y/N)" he said making you nod. After a while of talking you heard a bang from the door making you all freeze

You then all turned heads to see Robin. "(Y/n)......may I have a moment?" He asked actually seeming like himself for once. You got up nervously, you Shakely walked to the door looking back at Manny and harry who had. Guilty looks as they stared at you. This confused you. You walked out not closing the door behind you. "Yes?" You asked.

"Its rude to stare"

Then everything went black before you heard a quiet "Sorry (Y/n)"

Now the bird had you under his watchful eyes forever and never let go even though one rule applied to you and him was now broken

It was rude to stare, unless you were lovers of course.

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