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Roy was underneath a tree watching his Senpai. His Senpai was (Y/n)-Senpai and this is the story of


Told threw the eyes of (Y/n)-Senpai

You stood in your classroom talking to your other classmates they crowed round you. You where the most popular person in the school and you were super kawaii, no one could match your kawaii levels, Not even the super sugoi Manny - Chan and he was kawaii as hell. You soon heard the bell as you looked up and entered the school going to your locker as others watched you cause your awesome and cause then You opened the locker door as more love letters flooded out your locker as usual. "Not agian, why does everyone love me" you groaned before swimming out the pile of love letters and jumping on Shrignold's back riding the pesky bee to class. You entered the class looking smexy as usual in front of all the others making your classmates swoon until you noticed Roy-Kun in the back. He stared at you breathing heavily as a pink kawaii blush spread across your face and you winked at him making him gasp. You smiled and went to class as your teacher taught everyone how awesome you were as you were (Y/n)-Senpai, and (Y/n)-Senpai was too kawaii desu for these people. You then got outta class once agian riding off on Shrignold. When you got back to your locker you payed him 2 [Whatever currency you use] and he flew away and smiled. You watched Wind flowing threw your hair making you look majestic. You then looked over seeing Roy-kun walked over to you. "Love me" he whispered on your ear making you gasp. "Roy-Kun! I can't my heart is already taken by another" You said turning away more drantically than it needed to be. Like seriously (Y/n)-Senpai calm the flip down. You glared at the Admin but then continued the be dramatic. "W-Who?" Roy-Kun asked and you looked back whispering "Tony-Chan"

The next day, You once agian rode shrignold to school because you bought him as a car. You eventually got to school once agian paying him and walking into school that's when your best friend Harry- Kun walked up to you and told you the news. Tony had DIED, you cried so hard the school flooded and everyone had to drunk your tears. Later Roy-Chan confronted you and told you he killed him and he drugged you taking you away

"AND THAT'S A WARP" you heard the Admin, also known as Pat making you get out Roy's arms and you walked pasted her before holding out your hands as she went threw her pockets and gave you like 5 British pounds. "Thanks" you said and walked away and Roy Watched from a distance. Pat then turned to face the screen. "Uh. Okay this meant to be taken as a joke because let's be honest, Roy's just weird af and i wanted to make it hilarious. So yeah. Thanks your reading!" She said before walking into the abyss known as the internet whilst Roy continued to stare at you. Heavily breathing.

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