Hidden in Mind [Request]

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Yandere!Doi [Insane manny] X reader
Takes place between dhmis 3 - Dhmis 4.


Ever since the chicken picnic you had with your friends. Manny became more creepy. He'd frequently follow you around giving you weird looks.  Sometimes you swore that Manny's hair grew buy you would blink. It was gone. You never asked Manny or said anything.  Afraid you would offend him or just plain out make him extremly confused. Sometimes Harry and Robin noticed it too and told them. If you were honest with yourself. You could say you had a small crush on the green bird-like male what you wouldn't ignore for a while. Robin made you laugh with his crazy antics and was kind to you. Which led to you falling In love with him. Anyway.Even the other teachers agreed and toy began to feel uncomfortable with it. It's not like you wanted to offend others but you were free to sat whatever in your own mind, Along with everyone else. You were often fascinated with the mind, How it functions and Is the one thing that no one can find out about. Where you can keep your darkest secrets and never let them out. Sometimes you wish you knew what others were thinking and in this situation with Manny. Oh how you really needed too know.

You walked Down the hall to the living room trying to ignore the small yellow guy following you. You sat down in your [Whatever type of chair you like] and watched Manny as he made his way to the book shelf in the left side of the room. He grabbed it walking over to you and held it up top your face. "Can you please read this to me?" He asked sweetly making you smile. "Of course manny" you answered. You began to read to him before he stopped you. "Yes Manny?" You asked rasing as eyebrow at him. "Can I sit on your knee to see the pictures please?" He asked making you sigh and Pat your knees making him get up in excitement and almost throw himself onto you. He looked up at you then the book. You began to read again, the story was about a boy falling in love with a girl, but she fell in love with another boy who loved her. In the end the two men competed for her love. You stopped there as the ending would be too Gory for Manny.  Atleast. You thought that.

"Why'd you stop?" Manny asked. You smiled. "The last bit is a bit bad. Too bad for you" you replied ruffling his fluffy blue hair. You then looked up and seen Robin along with harry walk in. You blushed lightly as you stared at Robin. Manny stayed on your knee, you couldn't see it. But Manny seemed to be glaring daggers at the two. You then picked him up putting him down and walking over to the two ad Manny followed. You stopped and began to converse with the two of them as Manny hugged your leg.

You talked for the two for god knows how long. Manny must have gotten bored and wandered off because by the end of the conversation he left. You soon went upstairs to the guy's room as Harry asked you to fetch Manny since your show would be on hoping that no certain clocks would disrupted it. You opened the door to find Manny on the ground holding his head. For some reason his hair was shrinking then growing, Repeating the pattern. It looked like Manny was trying to fight something. You paused and walked over. "M-manny?" You stuttered as you causuously made your way over unsure of he was stable. He looked up at you, his hair stopped finally. His pupils shrank and he smiled creepily at you. "Wrong person~" he sang making his way over to you, you backed away into the hallway, your fave piling with every kobe he made. "I'm Doi" he laughed, the laugh echo's threw your head which made you run down to harry and Robin. "Manny's gone insane" you screeched as you ran into the room. Both of them looked at you. "(Y/n) stop being stupid" Harry said. Robin looked at Harry then at you. "I don't think she'd be this scared unless something was u-" Robin was cut off by the knife that flew a few inches from his face and hit the wall

"Not insane, More. Teacher like I guess" you heard the familiar voice of Manny, Or should you say. Doi laugh. "Holy shit" Harry swore. You were to scared to turn around and felt as the top of a knife was pushes against your back fearing for your life. "Move" he hissed pushing you back into the room and into your seat. "Sit down" he ordered. You obeyed. Scared of what he was capable of. "Robin get up" he said turning yo the green haired man who gulped. He slowly got up still staring at Doi. "Follow me" he ordered. You and harry watched in horror as Robin left the room. You began to sweat nervously thinking about all your regrets in life, one being you never found the courage to tell Robin you loved him. You looked at Harry who was giving you a cold stare. "This is your fault" the red-haired man said in a gloomier than usual tone. "M-my fault? How?" You asked. "Ever since the chicken picnic he followed you around.  What did you do?" He asked standing up and walking towards you. "I did nothing" you said watching him get up. "What did you do" he around takes towering over you putting his hands on your shoulders and staring you in the eye, tears beginning to fall. "Tell me" he asked buy before you could day anything. A knife hit hid skull piercing threw it making him fall down and hit the cold hard floor, lifeless. You screamed falling back and began to back away. "STAY AS WAY FROM NE" you yelled staring at Doi who just laughed. "Oh my dear (Y/n)~ Harry touched what was mine and you always liked the green guy more than me" he said making you try back away even more. "Remember the story. That was like ours. You fell in love with Robin and I fell in love with a you but to never noticed. You never cared. The only way to get your attention. Was to get rid if Robin. " he giggled. You hit the wall behind you staring into doi's eyes filled with love and insanity

But now you knew that Manny had hidden things in his mind
things you never thought would end like this

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 15, 2016 ⏰

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