why didn't you join us?

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[Yandere! Shrignold X reader]
Takes place the closing events and after the events of Dhmis 3 and before dhmis 4


You and Manny were terrafied. You and him were just on some weird trip With a pigeon after Manny had ran away and you followed him then some weird pigeon guy flew out of nowhere. You TRIED TO stop him but He just wouldn't stop. To be honest, you already knew alot about love and after the past experiences you weren't gonna be looking for a "special one" for a while. It was just overall creepy. You looked at Manny who looked like he could cry making you frown. Soon Robin and Harry found you. "We're sorry we made you upset" Robin apologized to Manny making him smile. "We saved you the last boiled egg" he added holding up the egg to him before harry said "I guess it's because we love you" making you slightly gag before something crawled out the egg and screamed "FATHER" even though this thing was grotesque. You put your hand in from of the fly
Sawter as Robin yelled "pesky bee". You then took the egg away staring at the thing trying not to gag at its creepy appearence. "Look we don't have to kill it we can.....just put it in a bush or something" you suggested with a nervous smile. "But then wild animals will eat it" Manny said frowning as you put your hand on Robin's face as the bird was still trying to swat at it screaming "PESKY BEE" you shook you head and harry nodded. "Maybe you could keep it as a pet (Y/n)" Harry said. You took a deep sigh as the thing stared at you. " I know I'm going to regret this" you muttered still carrying the thing. Maybe if you cleaned it up, I mean. That's what happened to babies when their born. Right? You watched as Harry helped Manny Down and picked up Robin trying for him not to go and kill it and you listened to the thing scream "Father" Continuesly. "Its not 'Father' It's (Y/n)" you said glaring at it and then it stared yelling (Y/n) over and over agian. Great.

Once you got home. You grabbed the cage in the living room. It was never used so it would be alright for it. Right? You then began to clean the thing. Well, I guess it wasn't as bloody now and actually looked like a Catapillar? Also you decided to name it "Professor Wiggle" because this little guy would wiggle on your hands and it was NOT comfortable. You eventually let The small creature explore the cage as you went to go get food. What does this thing eat anyway? Maybe Leaves? You shrugged going outside into the back garden and grabbed a few from a nearby tree coming back and going over to the cage only to see Robin opening the cage and swatting it. "ROBIN" you screamed but it was too late. Robin had killed it. You glared at him walking up to him. "WHO THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOU ARE?" You yelled face bright red full of rage. "Well it was a pesky bee" Robin said back to you. "IT WAS A BABY NUMB NUTS WHAT THE HELL DO YOU EXPECT IT TO DO" You screamed and Robin pause "I-i don't know...." you shook your head storming out of the house.

You were going to walk threw the woods to let off steam. I guess it is true what they say, when you name something, you do get attached. You sighed. "If shouldn't have yelled at Robin" you muttered rubbing your template. "I should probably apolagized" you mumbled taking out your phone, no signal. You sighed and started to head back. You didn't notice the quiet beating of wings behind you. After a while you heard a whisper behind you.

"Why didn't you join me?"

You turned around. No one. You shook your head. It probably was just the wind but you began to hear the faint beating of drums. You looked around. You seen a light, like fire in the distance. You went wide eyed and ran down the stone path. You continued to run until you tripped and looked down. It was him. The pigeon from earlier.

He smiled maniacally at you and hugged you flying up and giggling. "L-LET ME GO" you screamed as he turned back flying towards the fire. You eventually got put his grip. You almost landed on the chairs, those chairs from earlier and luckily landed on the top and fell back staring up at the flying man above you. "STAY BACK" you screamed then got up and ran away trying to outrun the flying man. You just couldn't become a love - sick zombie. You continued to run and thankfully made it to the house slamming the door shut. "MANNY, ROBIN, HARRY WHERE ARE YOU?" You yelled a grin on your face. You had gotten away. Or....so you thought. As you entered the Room. Manny, Robin and Harry were dressed in those robes from earlier you gasped and ran upstairs, you could hear them slowly following you. "Stay back" you once agian said as you went into your room and slammed the door closed and locked it before looking at the cage. The thing Robin had killed didn't looks squished. It actually looked a bit. Robotic. You then picked it up staring at it. "Oh....oh my god" you said covering your mouth. It was a camera. Goddamit. It must have been the butterfly. It HAD to be him. Then you heard a giggle from your closet and the door flew open revealing the man

You stared at him as he laughed. "Hello Special one~" he giggled skipping over. "Why didn't you join us like your friends?" He asked innocently smiling. You backed away and threw the cage at him. He swiftly dodged it and flew over time you. "Oh silly me, I Apolagize (Y/n) I haven't introduced myself. I'm Shrignold the Butterfly, also your special one~" he laughed picking you up and you glared. "Robin WAS right. You are are a pesky bee" you hissed at him as he nuzzled into your neck.

"You'll join us soon (Y/n)"

Then he flew out the window and back to the light of fire

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