Be mine or else

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[Yandere! Tony the Talking Clock X reader]

Happens during the events of the dhmis characters [Apart from Tony and you] being kidnapped


You had been stuck with the clock for a while now. Ever since his first teaching you've hated him. You always felt a boiled hatred for the clock, even as soon as jumped on the wall and stared singing. You hated him. He was just too keen to follow schedules and you frankly couldn't take that. You were more of a person who went with the flow never bothering with time. Whether it have been taking your time or just wasting it, You didn't care and being alone for him for almost a week now was not fun. You had put up an online position to get the money to pay the ransom and it was pretty good except. After this week, Tony suddenly became a blushing mess around you. Stuttering and fumbling with his words and being clumsy. You just couldn't wrap your head around it.

You sighed to yourself getting of the sofa and going onto your computer. You looked at the parishioners you had money, almost enough to get them back which made you over - joyed. You couldn't wait to have the guy's back and you could celebrate their return with a party or sometime fun like that. You smiled getting up before walking past the living room. You noticed Tony looking threw a box you'd never seem before making your curiosity from wild. You watches the clock shake his head and put the box down underneath Harry's green arm chair and he walked to the kitchen. You watched him and watched him go into the back garden. You wandered into the living room bending down and noticing the box underneath. You smiled and pulled it out staring down at the box, it was filled with paper. Pink and red paper. You thought to yourself before picking one up. You read it

"Dear (Y/n), I don't know how to say this but my clockwork ticks for you. Be mine, from your dearest. Tony"

You shook your head and looked threw the box reading more love letters for you and then you noticed photos of you, not just that but he had cut the others out and replaced it with him making you shiver. You heard the back door close and quickly stuffed the love notes and pictures in the box shoving it underneath Harry's chair acting as if you never noticed flipping threw the various channels whilst sitting on the arm of Harry's chair. Atleast now you understood the Clock's weird behavior. You watched him come in. He had a piece of paper in his hand, similar to the pink and red in the box you previously seen. "(Y/n), If you would not mind me asking. Would you please read this?" He asked. The clock was a blushing mess, maybe even redder than Harry's hair if that was even possible. You nodded and looked at it.

"Be mine, Or else"

You made a confused look. This was not like what he wrote last time. "Tony...what do you mean 'Be mine or else' " you said making finger quotations and that was it. Tony smiled. "You will be my (Girlfriend/Boyfriend) or else I will make you" he stated in a cold tone. You froze. " of course I'm going to say no, I can't stand you and let alone be forced into it" you rambled almost sound like the clock when he spoke about time. You heard him mutter something about a butterfly under his breathe before Glaring coldly at you. You froze once again tensing up. "Tony stop looking at me like that" you ordered glaring back at him.

"I will make sure you do not waste your precious time with another"

He growled as you got up and ran. This was not good. You ran into the kitchen and slammed the door shut. You held it closed with your leg ad you went threw the drawer trying to find the biggest and most intimidating knife you could find. Like hell you would pass up an opportunity like this. You get to stab some creep who's been probably doing weird stuff thinking about you and it's your (Your Puppet species) Number 1, Tony. You took a deep breathe grabbing a knife and getting ready to slash at him. You let go of the door and jumped back watching as Tony charged in and looked directly at you. "Stop wasting our time" he hissed at you before you raised the knife glaring coldly at him. He charged at you and as soon as he got near you


You got him. He fell to the ground holding his chest. You smirked in victory walking away still holding the knife going to check the computer watching at the number of donations went up. "I almost have enough" you cheered smiling to yourself. This would be great to get the others back and tell them you got back at Tony for making the four of you grow old. That was a horrible experience. You could finish the thought before feeling someone grab your arms, Flip them behind the comfy computer chair and tie you up. "WHAT THE HELL" you blurted out dropping the knife. The chair spun round revealing a crazily smiling Tony. "Now let's not waste any more time my dear because I'd love to spend the remainder of my time with you" he said putting hid forehead against yours and purring. You growled at him Before pausing. He really did mean what he said but if you were found down. You were going to get something out of his sick love story. "Only On one condition" "what would that be dear?" He asked stroking your hair and nuzzling into it making you gag slightly. "I want you to save Harry, Robin, Manny and Paige, No questions asked and......ahianstskednd I'll waste the remainder of my time with you" you said and looked away. You felt your heart sink. You really just let your freedom drop out of your hands now didn't you. Tony nodded. "Anything for you dear and we're not wasting time. We're spending it extremely well" he laughed manically and left. You then began to cry to yourself.

You spent the remainder of your Time with Tony. You occasionally seen the others and a few new teachers but you were ways with Tony.

I guess it's true what they say.
A man who says your mine, really. Really does mean it.


A/N: This was a request. I hope I didn't let you down ^^

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