You can't delete me

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[Yandere! Colin X reader]
Happens after the events of Dhmis 4 and before dhmis 5


You sat down and yawned. You had been addicted to the computer after a certain clever smart boy had shown you some of what the internet had to offer. You just couldn't get enough of this, it was just to invading to your mind, slowly taking over and grabbing hold of you. Manny and Robin did worry about you since you now hardly ever came off and you only listened to Harry when you were told to do something but. Harry was gone. No one knew where he was and well. Even though the internet was fun, About a few days after being taken over by your computer overload. You began to get worried for him and you were trying to find information from the internet to help you. If you didn't find him. You wouldn't be able to live with yourself but you did take a break from searching to play the occasional platform or horror game and you were not giving up. You continued to search day after day, hour after hour. Nothing. As usual.You planted your face onto the keyboard and groaned. Why couldn't you find him and then you got an idea. Why didn't you just do that. You got up and rushed to the front door, yelling at Manny and Robin that you would be back later. You were going to actually look for him in the real world. No matter how long it took. You would find him. After what seemed like hours and hours of wandering the forest, nearby cities, the various paths to them, you still had nothing and showed up home sighing. You rubbed the bridge of you nose before walking inside taking your coat off and pitting it on the coat hanger in the hall and walking into the living room. You stared at Harry's chair. You shook your head and began to cry. He was long gone by now. If only you hasn't spend so much time on that dammed computer, what had that teacher done to you. He doomed you to lose Harry, that's what. You continued to cry and feel Rage boil inside you. Rage and sadness was never a good mix of feelings and now you were going to kill that stupid computer.

You went upstairs making your way to the computer. You stared at it taking a deep shakey breathe. You just couldn't take this anymore. You screamed and hit the computer off the desk before you kicked it over and over agian. "We already had a computer anyway" you said, tears of sadness and Rage falling down your face as you still continuing to kick it, your screen going threw the screen, glass shards stuck in your leg but you didn't care, all you cared about was hurting, no. Killing this stupid computer. "YOU CAN'T EVEN TALK PROPERLY" you screamed taking another kick to it before turning around grabbing a chair and hitting it with that. After a while manny walked in and went wide eyed. "(Y/n) why are you hurting the computer?" He asked. You stopped panting heavily and walked away from it, limping from he leg you were kicking it with. "Its that THINGS fault Harry's gone" you muttered and walked past him. Manny scratched his head and shrugged. You were always a strange person.You limped to the kitchen and began to fix your leg.

"You can't delete me"

You looked around. No one, until you began to feel breathing on the back of your neck. You got up,choosing bot to look behind you and limped towards the living room. You could still feel the breathing. You then held your breathe closing your eyes. You turned around and came face to face with a person, he looked quite digital and glitchy. You stepped back and stared at him. "Who the hell are you?" You questioned ready to kick him with your food do of If you had too. "I'm Colin, Colin the..." he paused.You recognized that glitchy,Almost 8-bit voice. It was the computer. You growled. "What do you not get enough" you hissed, once agian you began to cry threw sadness and burn red from Rage. You just couldn't. "Oh, no. You just killed real me. But. I can travel threw all electronically powered computers. You pushed him away from you. "Stay back, you were the reason harry left" you said as Colin shook his head. "No. He CHOSE to leave." He answered. Lies.that couldn't be true,it was lies, you could feel it. Definetly lies. It had to be. Harry knew he couldn't leave you three alone for Long. Especially in this house. Apart of you knew this was true, but that part rhat didn't, was your everywhere but your heart. "No I know he wouldn't, he is too good for that. He knows he can't leave us alone for long. Especially with the likes of you around" you stated slowly back out the room as the computer followed. "Look, (Y/n) he's gone. All you need is me. You spend lots of time on me before" he laughed and you growled. He then tripped you up, reaching his arms out so as you flew back he caught you, holding both your hands in one of his hands

"You can't delete me"

He whispered as he leaned in. You turned your head. If he hadn't had such a tight grip on your hands, you would of slapped him by now. He then began to nuzzle your cheek. "I thought you hated being touched" you hissed at it him. "Well your an accepting and now. We can be in the digital world. Together. forever" he said and began touched laugh maniac at you ad he ran upstairs and jumped into the old computer. All that was left now, was the glass shards from your foot on the table, a med kit, the smashed computer but now

A small virus on it,that people were unable to delete

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