You didn't believe me

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[Yandere! Manny X Reader]
Takes place after the events of Dhmis 5 and before dhmis 6


You were locked in your room. You couldn't go out. You just witnessed Manny eating Robin alive. You just walked in since you heard singing and their was Manny. Fork and knife sawing threw the meat which came out of cans with your poor friends dead face and This was not good. You had no idea what you were going to do, he could be anywhere and you were locked in your room. Hopefully, As sad as it sounds, it would take him a while to finish eating Robin and maybe you could get to the phone. Not the one downstairs but the one in the guy's room down the hall. If you did, you could call Harry to come help you, if he did then you could get away from him and call the police, not that they believed you about the killer notepad and clock, Occult leader butterfly and the crazy computer situations. You were to deep in thought to notice the footsteps coming up the stairs making your way to your room until the banging o the door hit. You bit your lip when you heard Manny voice

"(Y/n).....come out....please, it wasn't me who ate Robin, i-it wasn't me"

You could hear the sorrow and upset tone in his voice. You couldn't bare it. Of course, he knew this would get you. Slowly you got up. Maybe you could make a run for it and get the phone then run back into your room. You took a deep breath opening the door.

You didn't have the time to react when something tackled you to the ground and cried into your chest. You looked up finding Manny making you frown. You rubbed his back trying to comfort him. "I didn't do it, I promise" he continued to cry before you moved him so you could look at his face. You looked at the blood surrounding his mouth and feathers littering his clothes along with more Blood making you stand up putting him down. You stared at him in fear. Though much taller than him, he stared at you with a look that gave you shivers. "M-manny why don't you wait here whilst I go and clean up the kitchen" you said hiding your fear in a smile but was more of a nervous grin. You shakily walked away from him leaving him inside you room closing the door and locked it. You just couldn't risk it. You got up and cleaned the kitchen staring at the left over cans and feathers, trying go ignore the meat and blood. Surprisingly the teachers were still their and tried to make you listen to their song but you ignored it. You didn't want to do the same thing to Manny that he did to Robin. Eventually they gave up and disappeared to who knows where but you didn't care. Once the Kitchen was clean you went down the hall to call Harry. He would know what to do

You dialed up his number and waited patiently for him to pick up. After a few minutes he picked up. "Hello?" "Oh my god Harry, you have to help me" you said and began to explain the situation before hearing a crash from your room. You walked to your room with the phone to your ear. You unlocked the door and opened the door to see no Manny and a broken window. Since your room was on the first floor Manny would only have some scratches. You went wide eyed. He was free. " Oh no" you muttered as Harry said "Listen to me (Y/n), I want you to head to the living room and hide behind the tv" you paused. "What?" You then heard harry laugh. "Where do you think I hide when we play hide and seek with him" making you face palm. Atleast you knew where to look now. If you survived

You quietly crept down the hall before hearing someone run upstairs, Manny was probably trying to find you up there. You continued to creep down the hall then into the living room. Tony seemed to watch you and was about to say something before you put a finger to your lips? Signalling for you to be quiet. He gave you a confused look as you hid behind the T.v. You sat there and Harry stayed on the line with you whispering to him as he comforted and told you what to do stopping when ever footsteps entered the room. After a while, you felt like you could live. You were gonna get outta here alive until you heard Manny's voice

"Tony? Have you seen (Y/n)?"

You looked up at Tony giving him alive pleading look but he told him.

" Well you've wasted enough time. (She/he)'she right here" he said looking down. You felt your heart sink. If you get outta here, that clock is so getting it's butt kicked. You watches as Manny peered round the corner staring at you as he had a phone to his ear. You then realized at that moment. The houses phone's were connected and he was listening to your and Harry's conversation. "You didn't believe me" he said before growling. "Manny, Of course I believed you I just thought hide and seek would be fun!" You spoke nervously. "Why did you lock the door" he said and stepped around the Tv gripping something behind his back. "Well you needed time to count and I was just gonna go open it" you added sliding back on you butt. Manny then ended the phone call it his phone but you were still on the line. "(Y/n)? (Y/n)? Are you okay" Harry called and continued to say your name as you dropped the phone as Manny revealed a knife and grinned creepily. "I always did like you the best (Y/n). You played with me and since you like hide and seek I just got an idea for another game as you continued to slide back and Manny stepped on the phone crushing it underneath his feet. You didn't even know how that was possible for a person of his side. "What?" You asked. You regretted ever asking that question.

"Doctor and Patient"

He lunged at you and plunjed the knife into your Andaman multiple times. You passed out from a mixture of pain and blood loss. You woke up tied to a bed. You head was still fuzzy and you looked down at your stomach. You shirt had been pulled up to below your stomach. Tons and tons of plasters covered your wounds. You groaned in pain and tried to move around before looking to your side and seen Manny in his pajamas.

"You didn't believe me"

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