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Lola woke up he next morning fully remembering what had happened the night before. She still couldn't shake the fact that the guy didn't know Science and Faith by The Script. She also realized the fact that she hadn't sung it for her YouTube channel. So, she decided to do exactly that.

After getting ready for the day she set up her filming lights and camera before sitting down with her guitar and recording the song. It wasn't too difficult for her to do considering she's had her channel for a few years and she even had a fan base.

It's the way we feel, yeah this is real
It's the way we feel, yeah this is real"

"Okay guys, I hope you enjoyed my cover of Science and Faith and you should definitely leave a comment down below telling me what song I should cover next or if you want to see any other videos. Bye guys!" Lola clicked the camera off after filming her outro.

She took the card out of her camera and popped it into her computer to edit it. All she did was combine the clips and watch the video a few times through to remove any mistakes. After this she realized she was about to be late for her classes. Throwing on her black converse to go with her dark jeans and red shirt, she grabbed her keys and left her apartment completely forgetting about the guy next door.

That day she only had a psychology class so she sat through the lecture and took notes, minding her own business. She wasn't really one to make new friends, even in a classroom full of people. Psychology was a very popular major and it was very important for her to take in order for her to become a Physical Therapist. It was a somewhat odd occupation for her to want do especially since she's known since high school that she wanted to do it.

Once the lecture was over she got up from her seat and weaved through all the people to leave the room and meet up with her friends. She walked along the concrete outside of the big building and waited for her friends to find her.

"Hey LoLo!" Her friend Reece says and throws his arm around her shoulder as they keep walking. He was usually a loud person and Lola had just gotten used to it but the people around them obviously didn't know because they all gave him odd looks as they walked by.
"Hi Reece, where's Scarlet?" Lola asks him.
"I'm here, I'm here woman! I know you love me but you might want to simmer down a bit." Scarlet says as she runs up on the other side of Lola and smirks.
"Uhm, I think she loves me more considering I'm the one with my arm around her." Reece comments.
Scarlet looks over at Reece, "Your arm is around her because you're freakishly tall and you're using her as an arm rest."
"Actually I'm not freakishly tall, you're just short."
"Look I love you both equally, okay?" Lola tells them amused.
"No." They say unanimously.

The three of them went back to her apartment and almost immediately when she walks through the door she plops down on her couch and starts to upload her video.

Reece and Scarlet started taking down her filming equipment for her since they knew she probably wasn't going to do it herself.

"I don't get why you want to be a physical therapist when you have a real talent and should pursue it." Scarlet states as she sets Lola's camera down on the countertop in her open kitchen.
"I'd rather study and do something that I know will be long lasting." Lola types on her computer as she talks, "Music is great but it's not something that I see myself wanting to do for the rest of my life."
Reece looks over at her and gives her an unbelieving look even though she isn't looking, "How could you not want to do it for the rest of your life? You like it, isn't there a saying that you should do what you love?"
""You've got to find what you love. And that is as true for your work as it is for your lovers. Your work is going to fill a large part of your life, and the only way to be truly satisfied is to do what you believe is great work. And the only way to do great work is to love what you do." By a Mr. Steve Jobs." Scarlet quotes.
Lola looks up from her computer to see bother her friends standing there, "I don't want to know why you have that memorized. You guys know I've wanted to be a PT (physical therapist) since high school and I really think I love it."

Eventually her friends left after hanging out for a while. She hadn't checked on her video or read any of the comments since she was spending time with them and once they left she changed into running clothes and went on another run.


She felt her hair acting crazy as she entered her apartment after her long and hot run. Instead of immediately taking a shower like she wanted to she ate some dinner that was just leftover lunch from earlier in the day and finally read some comments. After responding to a few she got up, threw her trash away and went into the bathroom.

Lola did the usual and connected her phone to her shower speaker, stripped down, and got in the shower.

"Like a small boat
On the ocean
Sending big waves
Into motion
Like how a single word"

"Can make a heart open
I might only have one match
But I can make an explosion"

Her neighbor joined in with her again and took her by surprise... Again.

"Is it weird that I know this song?!" He yells out to her.
"No, I personally find it very inspirational!" She calls back.

They continued singing the song together and jamming out and then the song changed once again.

"So we can take the world back from the heart-attacked
One maniac at a time we will take it back
You know time crawls on when you're waiting for the song to start
So dance alone to the beat of your heart"

He yells again, "So you're a Fall Out Boy fan and a Fight Song chick fan?!"
A goofy grin appeared on her face as he spoke to her, "Her name is Rachel Platten and yes I am a Fall Out Boy fan!"
She couldn't hear exactly what he said after that but she thought she heard one thing, "Interesting."


A/N: So things haven't really kicked in yet but we're getting there. Sometimes you have to wait a little while before things happen. Next chapter is a little bit better because things start connecting but the chapter after the next -I think- is going to be pretty decent.

Let me just remind you that I have everything outlined so I know what's happening instead of just hoping that it'll be good.

Fight Song by Rachel Platten
The Phoenix by Fall Out Boy


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