Twenty Three

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Lola's POV

"LOLA!" I heard my name be yelled and my door being thrown open.

So that was how Alec and I were interrupted. I mean we didn't pull away immediately, we wanted it to last longer than it was.

When we did pull apart I looked over at the door where my older brother was standing. Whatever reason he was here, he didn't look very happy... Or sound it either. The expression written on my face was probably startled and worried at the some time. He doesn't normally just barge into my apartment; usually he's civilized and knocks on the door.

I looked back to Alec and told him to hold the ice to his shoulder before getting up and walking over to my bother who was just standing there.

"Uhm, whacha doin?" I somewhat singsong my words.

His brows were cinched together and his upper lip was twitching just a tad bit.

"What am I doing? What are you doing?" He speaks lowly to me just so I could hear him even though Alec was sitting a good ways away and on doing something on his phone while somehow holding the ice.

"What do you mean?" I ask him sharply.

"You aren't Justin Bieber and I mean, how come I had to find out about your relationship with him online?" My brother then asks me.

Really? He was upset about this? What a dweeb...

"Because we literally had no idea what was going on between us. But hey, we just figured everything out. He's my boyfriend! Happy now? You're the first to find out!" I tell him.

"Yeah, you found out before me!" I hear Alec say from the couch.

I embarrassingly look over Alec and he was turned around looking at us with a smirking smile on his face, once again.

"Well then..."


A/N: short chapter... Not sorry byeeee

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