Twenty Eight

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Lola angrily drove back to her apartment. She had been gone for around 35 minutes and yet when she stomped back into her place both boys were still in there watching tv on her couch.

She was still fuming the whole way home. It didn't make any sense to her as to why Bryant had taken the picture at all and then proceeded to post it on the internet. Stalker. What normal person does this? She thought they were friends. He talked to her and was nice to her (even though he was actually flirting) even when the other boys weren't. But now, those boys were way better than him even if they started insulting her which they wouldn't, at least not anymore. Maybe she was just too pissed off but at this point she didn't care that he 'fired' her, it's not like it was a real job or she was getting paid for it.

There was a small moment where she wanted to start hitting her head against her steering wheel out of frustration but she knew that that would do nothing. If there was a moment when she truthfully despised the world in general, now was the time. Why couldn't people just mind their own business? Frustration began to settle in by the time she parked her car and got out of it.

As soon as she was inside her home she spoke aloud, "You know how you said that if somebody went too far then I'd kick their butt?" This was directed to her boyfriend .

He had already turned to look at her when she came inside so he saw the expression on her face and knew this wasn't going to be very good, "You kicked somebody's butt didn't you?" Alec slowly asked her.

She noticed the slightly anxious look on his face and raised her eyebrows up, "No but guess who got fired from her position as your physical therapist?" She replied sarcastically.

"Wait- what? Who fired you?" He was completely confused and even a bit ticked off.

Lola walked over and sat on the couch with them both, "Assistant Coach Grimm. He decided it'd be a good idea to basically stalk me on campus and take a picture of me hugging Reece. I think you can guess what he decided to do with the picture." She didn't even bother trying to hide her anger as she spoke.

"So then you went and kicked his butt?" Andy asked his sister humorously.

"Once again, no, I just went off on him and kind of insulted him then he threatened to fire me and I dared him too because honestly I don't care. He's always trying to flirt with me, it's disgusting and I think that following me around campus is weird and completely stalkerish." Lola told them both annoyedly.

"Uhm yeah that's weird, he's flirting and following around my girlfriend. So yeah, that is weird and stalkerish. Then he fired you? He doesn't even have the proper authority to do that; Coach Kaine was the one who sent him to get you to do it so technically he's the only one that can fire you." Alec was obviously upset at hearing this, all of it.

He wasn't very amused by the fact that Bryant's been flirting with his girlfriend and especially that he's been following her around. How long has he been doing this and what was his business doing so? Alec couldn't get up and go after the guy especially since he was the Assistant Coach.

Lola was saying something but he just pulled his phone out of his pocket and he realized that at the moment, social media is a horrible thing. There was indeed a photo and the comments weren't very nice... He posted more than just one photo of her.

"How about we go on a date tonight?" Alec randomly asks and accidentally cuts Lola off.

She stares at him, "A date?"

"Just to get your mind off of everything and take a few hours to get away from it." He told her.

"What about Andy?"

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