Twenty Four

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Lola's POV

So, boyfriend and girlfriend. B-O-Y-F-R-I-E-N-D. G-I-R-L-F-R-I-E-N-D. We're boyfriend and girlfriend... Don't think I'll ever get used to that.

You'd think its weird how many tweets and comments I've been getting about Alec and I. Mostly the ones asking if the whole live stream thing was real or if it was fake. There have even been people commenting that they go to our college and that we aren't going out because we're never 'hanging out' together; it's literally coming from people that I've never even met before in my life, ever.

I mean we just figured things out and I swear that if I was paying attention to my social media before we figured it out, I'd be very deep in crap because Id've doubted everything more than I had been. There will probably still be doubts about our relationship because I for one am not into PDA, at all and I highly think the same for Alec.

It was Friday and I had been going through my classes like I always did. The boys had practice which I was on my way to go to when I noticed somebody fall in step with me. When I looked over I was surprised to see that it was Reece and Scarlet wasn't anywhere in sight. Usually they come as a duo, never as one...

"I need your opinion on something." He states to me.

I stop walking and turn to him, "What on?" I then question.

Reece asks,"You know how we haven't been hanging out so much recently?"

"Yeah but that's my fault, I've been caught up with football and everything." I inform him.

"Well I have come to a realization." He doesn't even comment on what I'd just told him, "I like Scarlet and I think she likes me back." He tells me bluntly.

It takes me a moment to connect all the proper dots and I most likely just stared at him like an idiot while I was doing this, "Okay... Where does my opinion come in though?"

He sighs, "Should I make a move or would it be a bad time?"

"You're seriously asking me if you should make a move on her?" I ask him before I break out into a grin, "Of course I think you should! Plus, I think she likes you too."

"What if it ruins our friendship?" He asks hesitantly.

I put my hand on my hip, "You're really going to focus on that? What if? Psh, what a lame question. I think you two are a perfect match for each other but you've been too stubborn all these years to realize it."

"The same with you and Alec." Reece points out.

"Yeah but the difference is, Alec and I are together while you two mules aren't. Who's the real winner here?"

"You don't seem to be in a very good mood today..."

I laugh slightly bitterly, "What gave it away? The tweets rolling through my feed or the people who think that they know about my life and my relationship?"

He didn't even think twice before pulling me into a hug, "It'll be okay, you've dealt with stuff like this before." Her pulled away to tell me.

I sighed again, looking at his scruffy face, "This time it's different, Alec is like 'famous' so I'm getting backlash from his fans too."

"You were blunt with me so I'll be blunt with you; you're on YouTube, you've essentially signed a waver to accept the hate that can be thrown at you so that's what you're doing now. You have to accept it."

"I know." I could feel myself pout slightly, "it's just annoying... I can handle it, you need to go make your move."

I ended up being a bit late to football practice but it didn't really matter considering 98% of the time I'm just sitting in the grass on the sidelines. The only good thing that was happening at the moment was Alec wasn't supposed to be doing any throwing until his shoulder started feeling better. Since this was the case, he was able to sit on the sidelines with me and watch the boys.

My head was resting on his good shoulder as he watched them and I was on my phone. For some reason -even though I hated it- I was reading more comments and tweets. Not all of them were bad but usually the hate can stick out more than the love and that was what was happening now. It was severely annoying but also incredibly dumb for me to be doing this; I suppose Alec had grown tired of my many reactions and he plucked my phone straight out of my hands.

"Heeeeyyy." I plead as he removes the phone from my grasp.

"Seriously Lola?" He asks.

"Fine but what if somebody really important calls me?"

"Like who? Taylor Swift?" He asks incredulously.

"Come on, don't be like that." I tell him.

"I'm not being like anything, you're letting other people brainwash you about our relationship."

Point taken.

"Fine, keep my phone. What do we do about it though?" I then ask him.

My boyfriend was quick to give a suggestion, "How about we don't do anything about it? Its not like anything that anyone's suggesting is correct."

I nod my head, "Makes sense."

"Plus you'll kick anybody's butt if they go too far." I could hear the smile in his voice.

I actually probably wouldn't. See I can pretend to threaten people but I would never actually do it because I don't have that kind of courage.

Since Alec took my phone I ended up pulling out my laptop and trying to find a popular song that would be okay for me to sing for my next video since I actually haven't posted in a while. I knew that he was looking at my screen ever so often to make sure that I wasn't secretly reading any comments. Which I wasn't, just to be clear.


A/N: this was actually kind of long, 1000 words. High five to my face! Anywho, I've got school tomorrow but instead of sleeping I'm writing which is honestly the story of my life!

Maybe I'll stay up till 3 am and then fall asleep only to be woken up at 6:30... Again. My sleeping schedule is messed up and it just gets worse and worse.

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