Twenty Two

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Alexander's POV

I felt like I was banging on her door but I didn't want to be like Scarlet. As I kept knocking I tried to listen for any sounds coming from the inside but all I heard was silence. Once at this realization my left hand dropped from the door and I stood there staring at it.

"Alec?" I heard me name softly being said from the side of me.

When I turned to look, I saw her. She was okay. She looked warm and sweaty but she was okay.

As I stood there looking at her I realized just how weird I must seem to her. First I practically hate her, then I like her, I ask her out and leave after she says yes, I haven't spoken to her in days and now I'm standing outside of her door with a busted up shoulder and waiting for her to get here because I was worried, not about my shoulder but about her...

I failed to notice but when I turned my body to face her, her eyes almost immediately widened. They didn't widen at me specifically but more so at my shoulder.

I was wearing a tank top so it was out and not having anything cover it but I'd yet to look at it.

"What did you do?" She asks me getting louder with her voice.

"I was just throwing the ball..."

"Did you dislocate it again?!" She practically shouts worriedly.

My mouth fell agape for a moment before I spoke, "I don't think so."

Lola shook her head before approaching me... And then passing me to open her door. I hadn't even realized that it was unlocked; couldn't she get robbed leaving her door open?

After she opened it I just stood outside awkwardly while she walked inside. Almost as if she could sense that I wasn't following her she turned around and came back to me before grabbing my left wrist and pulling me inside. I was thankful that she hadn't grabbed my right wrist because if she did then my arm might have just fallen off.

I was really trying to not move the right side of my body. The pain was fierce and burning, somehow getting worse than it had been in the beginning. It was probably because I wasn't thinking about it at that time, I'd blocked it out of my mind as much as possible but now the pain was really showing its true colors.

Lola sat me down on the couch silently as she scurried off into her kitchen to get ice for my shoulder. I don't think I dislocated it, it would feel differently if I had. But that would also explain why she'd freaked out over it because you can see a dislocated shoulder... Did I do it again? I couldn't have done it again. It took such a long time to rebuild up my strength after I did it the first time, I can't do that again... What have I been doing?

I didn't even notice Lola come back until she softly and calmly spoke, "Stop freaking out, your going to be okay."

It must have been written all over my face. "Just- is it dislocated?" I attempted to be as calm as I could be.

Her hands lightly touched my shoulder, "Can you move it?"

I actually didn't know but it was already hurting. I slowly started to move it and felt a searing pain go through once again but I was still capable of moving it... Although my teeth were grinding together and my fist was clenched.

With my teeth still clenched together I spoke as the pain felt like it was pumping in my shoulder, "It hurts like a-"

"Alright." She cut me off before I could curse and lifted up the ice onto my shoulder which sent an icy chill that shot through my pain.

This girl. She was kind but had a strong attitude and personality, she's great at what she does.

"I'm sorry I just randomly left like that. My mind wasn't in the right place..." I changed my tone as I spoke to her.

"... Were you in the 'right place' when you asked me out?" She asks me.

I turned my head to look at her and noticed how close her face was to mine and I looked into her sparkling green eyes. I could feel her hot breath on my lips and I closed the space between us to connect ours together. Sadly, my lack of experience showed and our noses knocked together. Thankfully, it wasn't hard , it was almost like a light knocking together.

I'd pulled back a bit -embarrassed- and heard her giggle a bit. With a smile on her face she leaned forward and this time our lips actually connected.


A/N: Sooooo.... Hi... Adios.


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