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Since Lola's had a good amount of time to search for and learn songs she recorded two new singing videos as well as a Q&A. She Tweeted and Instagrammed asking for questions before she started recording her first singing video which was Let it Go by James Bay and then she sang Lost Boy by Ruth B.

She had makeup on for her videos and ended up changing the color of her lipstick and her shirt to film the last video so it didn't look like she recorded them all in one day because people get annoyed seeing the same outfit multiple videos in a row.

"Hey guys! Today I asked you all to leave questions on my Twitter and Instagram posts and I have to say, you all did a great job so... Let's get started."

""Do you like crowds of people?" Well, I don't love them but it doesn't bother me to be in one."
""Favourite fruit? I must know." If you absolutely must know then, I like strawberries."
""Your idea of the perfect date?" I don't actually think about this. Do people really think about this? I think that a date is a date and any form of effort put forward by the other person is perfect."
""Think for a moment. Do you think you'll be in a relationship in the next two months?" Yeah no, I don't think I will considering I'd have to actually meet somebody first and I don't frequently meet new people."
""What's your relationship status?" I think we just went over the fact that I am single and not ready to mingle."
""Would you rather spend your day as a turtle or a manatee?" Where do you come up with this? ... I think I'd rather be a turtle, maybe, I don't even know."

She answered more questions before before filming her outro and leaving her apartment because she was almost late, once again.

At football practice she quickly checked on Gray's ankle which was doing fine before she started going through her new notes once again and working on some assignments. Her work was interrupted by Bryant leading one of the boys off of the field and over to her.

"Well, it was bound to happen sometime. Preston over here took a tumble." Bryant tells her as he notices her confused look.
She nods in understanding and turns to Preston, "Does anything hurt?"
He resentfully speaks, "My upper back and neck have been hurting lately but it's not from getting hit just now."
Lola smiles softly, "Sit down and get comfortable." She instructs.
Preston looks at her doubtfully, "What are you going to do?"
"Don't question her and just do it. Hasn't anybody taught you to treat a girl with respect?" Bryant reprimands him.
"Whatever." Preston mumbles and sits down in the grass.

She sits back down and Coach Kaine called Bryant back over to him leaving Lola and Preston together.

"Since you asked, your getting a massage. You might have just strained a muscle or something like that so the massage will increase blood flow which will bring nutrition to the muscle tissues." She sits behind and informs him.
"Wait." He stops her and twists himself around, "You actually know what you're talking about?"
She laughs, "Yeah, I kind of have too. It's not like I'm doing nothing now, turn back around so that you stop putting more strain on your muscles."

He turned back around and allowed her to start the small massage. She tried to focus on the area that was giving him the most pain which also caused him a bit of pain but soon it started loosening up. After a few minutes she moved off of the specific spot and more onto his shoulders undoing the knots to the best of her ability. They weren't in the position for her to really do anything to his back but as she began on his shoulders her phone started ringing from her bag.

"Sorry." She apologizes to Preston and leans over to her bag to get her phone.

As she looked at the screen and read the caller ID she knew that the person on the other end wasn't going to be very happy if she didn't answer.

With her phone in her left hand and her right hand on Preston's back using her thumb on the specific spot, she answered the phone.

"Yes Scarlet?"
"Do you have a song picked out for 'Talent Night'?" She immediately asks.
"Why how lovely it is to hear your voice." Lola says sarcastically waiting for Scarlet to say something in response but she didn't. "No I don't have a stupid song picked out."
"Why not?!" Scarlet shouts through the phone.
"I think my ear is bleeding... I don't have a song picked out because you told me about the stupid thing yesterday and the thing isn't even till next week." Lola annoyedly responds still rubbing Preston's back.
"Exactly, it's next week, Monday to be exact which means you only have a few days to pick out your song because you need to practice it. Lola Maria Avalon, you better not back out of this because you already promised." Scarlet tells her lowly, clearly not amused at all.
"Don't Lola Maria Avalon me, I'm not backing out because you and Reece are forcing me to do it."
"You agreed to it-"
Lola cuts Scarlet off, "Only because you two signed me up for it."
"Fine... You still need to find a song though." Scarlet adds in once again.
"I will find a song but I'm really busy at the moment. I have things to edit, I have a paper to write for my physics class and I need to see my brother or he'll go crazy since I haven't talked to him." Lola throws out excuses for not finding a song. They were real excuses so it didn't make her feel bad.
"I don't care how busy you are, it still needs to be-"
"Scarlet, I will find you right now and stab you in the eye with a fork if you don't shut your mouth. I'll find a song."

With that she hung up the phone and tossed it onto her bag irritatedly and puts both her hands onto Preston's shoulders. While she was talking she wasn't paying too much attention to Preston but apparently she'd stopped massaging his back at some point and he was just sitting there awkwardly.

"Remind me to never get you mad." Preston says as she begins again.


"Crazy how we fit girl,
This is it girl
Give me 25 to life
I just wanna rock all night long,
And put you in the middle of my spotlight"

"Do you want to be in the middle of my spotlight?" He asks her.
She snorts, "That's an awful pick up line."
"It was worth a try."

She could hear the smile in his voice as he spoke.

"Cause I'll be at your door in ten minutes
Whatever you got on, girl, stay in it
You ain't gotta leave the house to have a good time
I'm a bring the good time home to you"

Lola decided to let him sing the song by himself and she really was able to hear his voice. It was pretty good.


A/N: Double the amount of words than last chapter. Whoop! Looks like Scarlet is being very adamant about Lola picking out a song. Just keep in mind that her friends really want her to pursue music because they know she's really good. Obviously they didn't want to give up so they signed her up for the talent thing but there won't be record labels there or anything, it's just a purely fun event.

Songs in this chapter

It Girl by Jason Derulo
House Party by Sam Hunt


Singing In The Shower [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now