Chapter Seventeen

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After we eat, I offer to help clear the table but the women shoo me away and use the cleanup as a chance to talk and catch up.

"So what now?" I lean back and stretch, folding my arms behind my head as I regard Jensen and Jared.

"Now we go swimming," Jared says brightly, wiping his mouth with a napkin and pushing his watermelon rinds aside.

I look around. The table is sparsely occupied by the men. The children are off playing and the girls are all inside washing dishes and putting the leftovers away. And being so loud we can hear their faint peals of laughter through the white stucco walls.

"Yeah, we thought we'd head down to the lake while the sun's still up," Jensen spits a toothpick out of his mouth in a very Dean-like gesture. "You could come too." His voice is casual, indifferent.

"I don't know; Vicki might be tired..."

My voice trails off as he looks at me with something peculiar in his eyes. Am I mistaken or are those emerald orbs pleading? I toy with my napkin, tracing the Greek key trim absentmindedly, before forcing a half-hearted smile. "But I'm sure she'll be fine with it."

I stuff my mouth with the contents of a nearby platter of crackers while Jared goes over the shooting schedule for the remainder of the year. Naturally, he cannot help but tease me about the rarity of scenes containing my character. Pissed off, I mumble terrible things to him around a mouthful of carbs, but Jared just laughs it off and continues with a glint in his eye.

We stand up after ten minutes later in order to start filing back to the house to get our stuff. I stretch the kinks out of my back and Jensen, coming up behind me, pats me lightly on the ass to get me to move forward. Back in my room, it takes mere minutes to get changed and grab my swimming gear.

An hour later, I take my sunglasses off and wink at my beautiful wife, suntanning on the deck in a lawn chair. She grins coyly at me in response and stretches her long legs in complete awareness of how sexy she looks right now.

"I'm going swimming," I assert, shrugging out of my shirt. She grins and covers her eyes as though shielding herself.

"Misha, that body... I can't." I grin and lick my dry lips before sticking my tongue out playfully. "Hot damn."

This time it's my turn to wink.

"Tonight, baby."

"Just don't tire yourself out swimming," she says huskily.

I go over and smother any further protests with a long and intensely passionate kiss.

When I finally break away, her finger trailing my Adam's apple and her tongue lightly outlining my bottom lip, I notice Jensen in my peripheral vision, staring at us. His expression is unreadable as he looks from me to Vicki, too sharp to be impassive, and a tingle forms at the base of my spine.

He looks away and I sigh, squeezing Vicki's hand one last time before making my way down to the dock.

Kicking my sandals off as I go, I break into a run.

"Geronimo!" I lift my hands over my head and execute a flawless dive into the rolling, clear blue water.

As I slip under, the coolness shocks my body, enveloping me in icy refreshment.

For a second, it's perfectly quiet.

I let all my problems drift away on the soft waves and shut my eyes, just wallowing in the deep water. I can feel the relief and relaxation loosen my muscles and relax my limbs, before I start kicking my feet, propelling myself upwards again.

I break through the surface with a sputter and immediately draw a hand over my face.

"Warm, isn't it," Jared grins. I nod and surge towards him with powerful strokes. There are already about five guys in the lake, and several more lingering on the deck.

"Jensen, get in," Jared calls.

Jensen walks up to the end of the dock and smirks, looking down at the shimmering water.

Without a word, he slips his shirt over his head and lets it fall onto the oak panels at his feet.

The sunlight is glinting off every muscle in his impressive torso, bathing his smooth skin in a soft, golden glow. I just stare at him, bobbing slightly in the water as he rolls his shoulders, relieving the tension in his neck. Because fuck. Jensen shirtless should be illegal. 

Copying my form, he dives into the water, and it's only when he's out of sight that I manage to tear my gaze away.

Misha, pull yourself together. I drag a hand over my face again and sigh.

This is going to be one long weekend...

Nobody Sees, Nobody Knows [Jensen Ackles + Misha Collins | Cockles | mxm]Where stories live. Discover now