Chapter Thirty-Nine

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I awake slowly, burrowed deep into the inviting warmth of my comfortable bed. The sheets are sweetly scented, smelling of sun, fresh air and clotheslines, and pale beams of sunlight fall softly across my face.

A soft sigh finally coaxes the sleep from my eyes. It isn't mine.

I try to fight my way out of the tousled sheets and blankets, but a warm and heavy weight draped over me anchors me in place, heated skin blanketing my own. I blink twice. Somehow Jensen's manhandled me underneath his sprawled body, our arms and legs tangled.

It's still pretty dark, but I can already map the freckles on the bridge of his nose. His eyelids flutter; he's waking up. Hesitantly, I lean forward to press my lips to the dark gold lashes lying across my cheek and I sigh, heart flipping over hard in my chest. This is both amazing and terrifying. But mostly surreal. The universe seems... tilted somehow.

"Hello Jensen," I say in that fucked-out, gravelly morning voice I harness when I'm delivering my Hello Deans.

Jensen smooths his fingers up my chest and brushes a damp curl from my forehead.

"Mmmmm talk Cas to me, baby." He blinks sleepily; I can feel the flutter of his eyelashes on my skin. His voice, this early in the morning, is pure sex. Deep and throaty, each syllable sliding down the back of my spine and leaving me tingling all over. Biting my lip, I cover my eyes with my forearm.

"What the hell are we doing," I whisper against his hair.

Jensen mumbles sleepily, nosing the hair above my ear. "Nofuckingidea just wanna hold you, m'kay?" My heart squeezes at the sleepy, sweet words slurred into my neck.

"Okay, Jensen," I whisper, and against my better judgement let my hands wander over his smooth, broad back. He practically purrs when my fingers comb their way through the short hair at the base of his scalp.

Slowly, my hands catalogue all of Jensen I can reach, his forearms, the nape of his neck, raking through his hair and down his back. I know there are a million reasons I should slip out of the bed, but I can't muster up the willpower to do so.

Instead, I lie perfectly still and breathe in his scent, memorizing the feel of his body pressed against mine. I sigh and let my eyes droop shut again.

Suddenly, the alarm clock on my nightstand starts blaring and Jensen practically hits the ceiling.

I pull him close, smiling when he shimmies out of my grasp and reaches over to silence it, before ducking back under my arm and dragging the blanket over our entwined bodies.

"Sorry," I murmur sleepily. I usually slap the alarm just before it beeps; I've been conditioned over the years to wake eerily close to the moment it goes off. But today I got...distracted.

"Dammit, Mish," he slurs, voice thick with sleep. I grin and kiss the top of the dark gold head tucked under my chin, feeling rather than seeing his scowl. "Why you gotta get up so early?"

"It's not that early."

Jensen braces himself above my head on his forearms, dipping his mouth to nibble at my lips.

"Hmm. We don't have work until nine, and you already woke me up." I moan when he bites into the skin of my neck, sucking a kiss under my jaw. "Anything you wanna do?"

Nobody Sees, Nobody Knows [Jensen Ackles + Misha Collins | Cockles | mxm]Where stories live. Discover now