Chapter Thirty-Two

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Jensen drives too fast, cornering too sharp, wheels screaming, mouth grim. I lie sprawled on the backseat, watching his hands run around the leather curves of the steering wheel.

When I'm not stifling the urge to empty the rest of my stomach directly onto the car floor, I'm planning. Planning the perfect time and place and position to thoroughly debauch the asshole who has refused all my advances.

My eyes pop open as a sudden wave of nausea hits me and I sit upright.

"Jensen-" I slap a hand onto my mouth.

Jensen swears under his breath but pulls over, and we lurch to a screeching halt.

Almost before the car lumbers to a stop, I scrabble for the door handle and stagger down into a ditch, feet slipping on the dewy grass, before I bend over and empty the contents of my stomach.

Jensen goes back to the car and returns with a water bottle.

When I finish, I rinse the foul taste from my mouth, and use the remaining water to wash my face.

Puking in a ditch at Jensen Ackles' feet. Oh how the mighty have fallen.

I groan, making a move to straighten up.

"Hey hey, hold on there, cowboy," Jensen warns. And fuck if Mr. Perfect isn't right again. I gasp and feel myself start to sway on the spot as I ignore him and rise to my feet.

I let Jensen drag me away from the ditch and back to the car.

"We need to get you in bed," he mutters.

I wipe my mouth and grin coyly, the alcohol persistent in my bloodstream.

"Thought you'd never ask."

Jensen shakes his head as he holds the passenger door open for me. "There's a filthy mind hiding underneath that nerdy exterior of yours, Mish."

Jensen's voice has dropped an octave and the deep, rumbling tenor batters my raw nerve endings. I scowl and push past him, sliding into the seat before he closes the door behind me.

We arrive at my trailer and I stagger immediately inside, anxious to get out of my smelly, sodden apparel. I throw a gleaming smile over my shoulder at Jensen.

"I'm gonna strip down now. You can change too, if you want."

I'm liking the hell out of the hungry gleam in his eyes. Noting with no little pride that, apparently, expensive tailoring doesn't include room for arousal. Hot damn, lust-crazed Jensen is alluring.

"I should just go back to my trailer..." Jensen blushes, and I wish to fuck that I didn't find that endearing as hell.

"You have to stay and watch me," I insist, shaking my head. "Make sure I'm okay."

He worries his bottom lip between his teeth and I know he's remembering how he owes me in this regard.

I stagger over to the dresser and toss him an old pair of jeans and a t-shirt.

"Go on, you're welcome to use the bathroom." I smile encouragingly.

"And here I thought you'd want me to strip on the spot," Jensen smirks.

"What I want is to watch your gorgeous ass walk away so I can objectify you from every angle."

I know I'm playing with fire but the recklessness is addictive. And the damn alcohol is still raging through my system.

Nobody Sees, Nobody Knows [Jensen Ackles + Misha Collins | Cockles | mxm]Where stories live. Discover now