Chapter Twenty-One

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One shower and a glass of whiskey later, I'm feeling much better.

The party is still going on, even though it's half past two in the morning and everyone is drunk enough to spill their biggest secret to the neighbour's cat.

I push through the crowd in search of Vicki, getting bumped and jostled by the dancing bodies around me as I go.

"There you are," I breathe when I finally find her. She looks at me and throws her head back, laughing giddily.

"What's so funny?"

"Everything," she giggles, before falling back onto the leather couch.

"Don't worry," Gen slurs, rushing up to me. "I'll watch her. Go have fun."

She practically pushes me away and I don't know if I trust her to keep an eye on my wife in this state, but right now I really need some fresh air.

"Thanks," I smile grimly, before searching for the door.

I need to get out of here. I'm craving a nice, night-time walk on my own. It might just help to clear my head.


It's a relief to escape the atmosphere of the party.

I inhale deeply, the crisp, musky air washing through my lungs. It's smoky and cool, but not cold. The soft lapping of the water, the sporadic whoosh of a passing car, and the humming of crickets and cicadas mingle to provide the perfect, lulling backdrop as I stare at the sky. It's a navy canvas smeared with a smattering of stars. Just beautiful. 

I enjoy the breathtaking scenery, drink in hand, before my gaze drifts from the star-sprinkled heavens to a dark profile silhouetted against the glow of the cottage lights.

I recognize Jensen's build immediately and gulp, because damn, that's a nice profile. I decide that coming out here was a bad idea.

I should go back to Vicki.

He's leaning against the wooden railing of the deck, lost in thought as he gazes at the lake stretching out before him.

Heartbeat quickening, I head gingerly back towards the cottage, but I accidentally step on a twig and a loud crack under my foot resounds throughout the still, night air.


I shut my eyes and exhale slowly, debating whether or not I can slip away unseen in time or if I should just man up and-

"Mish, is that you?"

I turn around and smile weakly. Jensen squints into the darkness briefly before confirming that it is, indeed, me. He greets me with an equally tired smile.

"Hey, Jensen."

I walk over casually and lean against the railing next to him, my whiskey sloshing lazily in my cup.


For a moment, neither of us speaks and I try to steady my hammering heart.

Jensen looks down at my hands.

"Can I have some?" He cocks an eyebrow and tilts his head in the direction of my drink. No, I want to scream. Haven't your lips touched enough of mine?

But instead of telling him to get his own drink, I shrug. Stupid.

"It's got my germs," I smirk childishly in warning, and he grins back before making a show of licking the rim slowly, seductively and very exaggeratedly. I laugh, my throat suddenly dry. "Jensen, you sly dog... Quit making out with my drink."

Nobody Sees, Nobody Knows [Jensen Ackles + Misha Collins | Cockles | mxm]Where stories live. Discover now