Chapter Twenty-Nine

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Vicki's body tucked against me is achingly warm and familiar.

I peer around her mussed hair, head pillowed next to my own and long lashes flickering with her dreams, at the alarm clock on the nightstand.

Not perfect, but she's mine I think, tracing nondescript patterns on the forearm clinging possessively to my waist.

"Morning, Misha."

Vicki stirs against me, rousing as slowly as the pale sun peeking over the edge of the horizon, pulling the sheet tight and cocooning our bodies together. Outside, rain is shaking out from the clouds like the clatter of clear beads falling from a pouch.

"Morning." My deep growl is coarse, thick with sleep.

She presses her lips to mine and my heart rolls slowly over as she throws back the covers with a yawn.

I watch the beautiful expanses of skin disappear behind layer after layer of clothing, still wrapped in the Vicki-scented sheets.

"I'm gonna go get coffee; come down when you're ready, babe."

I don't leave the bed for a while, even when I hear cabinet doors slam downstairs, smell coffee percolating.

I tell myself that I'm too lazy to shower the smell of lakewater and Jensen from my body. It's a damned distracting indulgence. Jensen is a damned distracting indulgence.

Instead, I shrug into a dark blue shirt, hoping the collar conceals a certain purpling reminder of that bitey asshole's apparent marking kink.

I run my fingers carefully through my hair, brush them over the faint stubble burn on my neck, and tug my collar higher.

Last night never happened.


I turn at the knock, relaxing my facial muscles into a neutral smile as the door opens.

"Hey, morning," Jared says brightly. He's juggling his phone and two Starbucks cups. "Cinnamon dolce latte or vanilla latte?"

I grind my teeth together and hope my smile is more enthusiastic than it feels.

"Vanilla. Thanks."


I look up from the kitchen counter where I'm cracking and whisking some eggs for breakfast.

"Misha, I brought you a little surprise," Vicki's cheerful voice rings out.

JJ grins in Vicki's arms, fluffy bits of hair sticking up in a wild display.

"'Isha," she smiles softly at me, cheeks flushed and rosy, fluttering her long lashes sleepily. There's a tiny pink ribbon bow tacked jauntily in her hair.

Vicki passes her to me and I grin.

"Hey there, Princess," I murmur, rubbing our noses together lightly. She giggles.

"I'm gonna go check on our kids and then start packing up." Vicki kisses my cheek, palming my errant bedhead. "Can I leave her with you? Dani has a headache and JJ seems to think it's the perfect time to get temperamental."

JJ does have a set of lungs on her, when she's really mad. She can be feisty and temperamental, brooking no arguments from the adults at her beck and call.

Nobody Sees, Nobody Knows [Jensen Ackles + Misha Collins | Cockles | mxm]Where stories live. Discover now