Chapter 1.

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Note: there will be very heavy sexual content in this book and this book may cause you to feel uncomfortable but if it does then by all means please leave, this isn't for you. I am not gonna work my ass off and write long chapters for people to criticize and comment unecessary and immature things. It's just repulsive.

I'm very insecure about my writing and try my best to clean it up and make it more sophisticated. I'm aware of the way I write and don't need anyone's critiques nor suggestions at the moment.
I'm saying this in the nicest way as possible.

You need to read the first chapter to fully understand that this book isn't incest and you'll become familiar and understand my perspective on the book.

Other than that enjoy, 'his baby girl'

- Alexis.

He walked into the adoption clinic, dressed in a louis Vuittons black suit and his hair gelled up perfectly in a quiff. The most successful and powerful man in the business industry and was very well known in California and Canada. He was Justin Bieber. A twenty two year old man who was extremely young yet had so much power in the palm of his hands from his wealthy family and father who owned half the city and most importantly 'biebers corporation' a successful business that was soon gonna be ruled by justin once he's old enough.

He walked up to the front desk meeting an older lady in her late sixties who worked at the adoption clinic claiming to care for children. A bright smile fulfilled her face as she looked up from the computer. "Hello mr.bieber, we've been expecting you and we're happy to hear that you wanna adopt" she smiled even brighter and received a light smile from justin. He wasn't the friendly type when it came to people and hated talking to people he felt were useless.
"Follow me" she grabbed a clipboard, holding it firmly against her chest and had another lady take over her spot at the front desk.

Justin followed the older lady into a room in the back and looked at all the doors that had names like 'newborns' 'toddlers' 'children' and 'teenagers'. Teenagers immediately was thrown out of the options because he was not looking for an older child. He wanted to watch his little one grow in grace and beauty.

"Are you looking for a newborn?" The lady asked and justin shook his head. He definitely was not the type to take care of a baby let alone be responsible, not knowing what to do with the simplicity of changing a diaper and making a bottle. Babies are stressful. Why was justin looking for a child? Because he actually wanted to care and love someone and experience what it's like to be a daddy.

"Take me to the children's room" he stated with no emotion on his face. The lady happily walked over to the door that had 'children' labeled on the glass door. She opened it and revealed all the boys and girls who were the ages of six through ten, placed in their own room.

"Boy or girl?" The lady who already became annoying to justin asked pointing to the signs that were labeled with the genders.

"Girl" Justin informed and she nodded walking down the hallway full of glass doors opening the last one that had a room full of girls. Justins always wanted a daughter who was daddy's princess and was gonna fulfill that dream. He felt girls in society nowadays were too problematic and only aimed for sex and money. He doesn't need a woman who won't keep their legs shut and definitely didn't wanna make a baby with one either.

The lady stopped in front of glass doors that revealed what each girl looked like. "These are all of the girls and just let me know when you spot one that you'd like to adopt" he nodded not once looking at the lady, focusing on which one he wanted.

He spotted adorable little girls but none of them caught his attention and he was starting to lose hope that he'd never find his precious little girl that he always dreamed of having. None of them stood out until justin came across a ten year old girl who's name was 'Isabella martinez'. She had brown soft curly locks tied into pigtails, pink soft baby cheeks and heart shaped pink lips. He stared at her in disbelief realizing that she was exactly it. Isabella looked up from playing with her barbie dolls into Justins caramel eyes with her vibrant big blue eyes. Justin instantly fell in love with the little girl and knew that was his daughter from the moment he saw her.

Isabella shyly smiled going back to playing with her babrie dolls and Justins lips curved up into a heartwarming smile. "I wanna adopt her" he informed the lady, keeping his eyes locked on Isabella.

"Mr.bieber are you sure?" The lady looked at Isabella in a disapproving look not very fond with her presence and for some unknowingly reason had  hatred towards the innocent little girl. "There's plenty of othe-"

"-No I want her!" he snapped at the older lady, demanding what he wanted. She gulped, nodding her head.

"Yes sir."

She's the one. He thought knowing that he had found his baby girl.

How was chapter 1? Boring? Lol vote if you want me to publish chapter 2.

I know we all have dirty minds but please that's sick if you thought i was gonna write about justin catching feelings for a ten year old girl. No that wasn't my intentions for you to get that idea. I'm simply allowing you all to read how everything happened and from the beginning.

I know chapter 1 was short but only because I wrote when justin was adopting his daughter. I guarantee the rest of the chapters will not be short but consist of long writing.

Again vote if you liked chapter 1 and would want me to continue. :)

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