Chapter 7.

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Wink at me again and see what happens daddy.

1.33k reads, let's fucking do this 👑

There's never a limit for sex. I don't wanna hear complaints "ugh they fuck all the time" girl that's the best part. Leave them alone they've been waiting too long for this.😂

*Warning: if you don't like the word pussy being said then don't read. I'm tired of writing bullshit words for pussy, like vagina, or 'heat' those are just lame as fuck. Let's go pussy.

Isabella's pov:

Sunday June 6th, 2016

"Daddy I am too a good cook" I protested while walking with daddy into the kitchen. He said that I'm not a good cook but never even tried my cooking and thinks I'm gonna burn the house down or let alone, hurt myself. "You've never even tasted my food"

"I've tasted you" he grinned and my face heated up, slapping his chest lightly.

"Just let me cook something please" I begged, ignoring his remark, stepping in front of the fridge, blocking him from it. I've watched the show 'Man vs. Child chef showdown' plenty of times and I know what to do. I think. "Please daddy" I gave him pleading eyes knowing that it makes him give in.

"You can try-" he sighed and I screamed, jumping on him. Kissing his lips over and over again. This is a big deal to me because daddy never let me go near the stove or anything dangerous like knives. I'm gonna prove him wrong. "But please don't hurt yourself isabella" he begged and I nodded.

"Thank you daddy" I kissed his lips one more time before loosening my grip on him and getting down. "Go watch TV or whatever" I said before getting to work and he chuckled, rolling his eyes, leaving the kitchen. I need to be in pure concentration.

I opened the fridge and scanned through all the food trying to figure out what to make. Ooo now I know. There was a package of ground beef and I immediately grabbed it setting it on the counter along with two slices of cheese, ketchup, mayonnaise, lettuce and two eggs. I went back to the fridge and opened the freezer seeing the package of fries and grabbed them also. My burgers are gonna be the bomb.

I walked over to the cabinets and saw the bread, hot dog buns and yes! The burger buns. Grabbing them and again for the third time went back into the refrigerator to grab the butter. Now I'm officially all set.

I grabbed two pans, setting them on the stove and went to grab the 'daddy fryer'. I found it funny that it was called that but it was set all the up in the cabinets way above my reach. Damn it. Letting out a huff, I climbed on the counter and stood up opening the cabinet and grabbing the fryer along with the cords, setting it carefully on the counter and jumping down.

So far the fryer was cooking the fries
and I was in the middle of flipping the meat that was formed into circles to perfection. Both sides showed that they were cooked on the outside but I was making sure that they cooked thoroughly.

I grabbed two sets of buns out of the bag and put it back in the cabinet, running back and forth from the fryer to the pan making sure the fries nor the burger burned. The grease kept popping everywhere and even at me.
"Ow" I groaned, wiping the area the hot grease hit me in annoyance. Someone should invent a shield for cooking.

I backed away and stretched my arm out, taking the slice of cheese and putting it on the two burgers, ducking down immediately when the noise increased from the pan. You don't wanna be near your death. "Seems like you're doing fine" I heard all of a sudden and turned around seeing daddy leaned up against the wall, watching me in amusement.

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