Chapter 3.

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Yes daddy just choke me with your big hands -_-
Thank you for the votes and reads so far, much much appreciated.

*time changes and bella is 15. Her birthday is may 10th, justin's 26.*
Just further information.

Justin's pov:

March 15th 2015

"That literally makes no sense" I muttered, reading over people's reviews on my computer, in my office. Idiots can't even write a paper properly and expect me to allow them to work in my corporation? Like fucking hell.

'I'd be great at filing paperwork for you :)' I read and chuckled in enjoyment. First of all do you really think that's gonna impress me? I already have thousands of people filing shit for me and seriously what is up with the damn smiley face? Creepy as fuck. I rolled my eyes, deleting the review in annoyance. What is wrong with people?

"Daddy!" I heard from the other side of the door. Bella came running in my office and I stood up, smiling holding my arms out for her and she ran to me, jumping in my arms.

"Hi baby girl how was school?" I kissed her cheek and her big blue eyes sparkled with joy. Bella was always happy and that's one of the things I absolutely loved about her. She always puts me in the best mood, the stress people put on me from work dissappears with her.

"It was great daddy" she giggled. "But I missed you" she wrapped her arms around my neck, unintentionally squeezing me with her boobs. Keep it cool justin. She let go and I smiled at her acting as if that did not just affect me.

"I missed you too princess" I admitted, pecking her nose and setting her down on the ground. Bella was five ft and only went up to my chest. She definitely grew up over the years, her beauty increased and the other parts that i'm not going into detail with.

As bella happily walked off, I couldn't help but let my eyes wonder off to her her school skirt rising up a little as she walked. Look away. Honestly I can't it's so fuckin- I nervously coughed, sitting back down in my office chair. The temptation is becoming irresistible.

Another review popped up on my computer screen and I groaned clicking on it. This better be good.

'Dear Mr.Bieber

I know I'd fit the job perfectly-

No you don't know because you're not getting hired. I deleted it into where it belongs. The garbage. Don't tell me what you know. I hate when people think they know everything. No one's gonna work for me like that.

"Daddy?" Bella stood up off the couch, with a paper in her hands, approaching me.

"What baby?" She sat on my lap sideways holding the paper in her hands looking at it in confusion.

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